Chapter 55

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Sky woke up not long after, saying that she didn't feel well. When Hobi explained that they believed she was going into labor, it was like exactly what her body needed before starting to show her the signs. She wasn't as freaked out as she thought she'd be. She was a single 21-year-old who was pregnant by an alien. Like all in all, it was just a typical day, right? 

Thirty minutes later, a tiny, beautiful baby boy was born. He had a red tail and hair, just like his father. "No, no, no." Hobi cried.

"What, what is it? Is something wrong with him?"

"He's a breeder," he whispered.

Sky reached out to take her son from Hobi, holding him protectively against her chest. "And? Will you love him less, knowing he's not a Whalien?"

"It's not that, Sky," he mumbled as he and Yoongi looked at each other with worry.

"You have about 30 seconds to explain it to me, or I'm packing mine and Hasin's things, and we'll stay with Uncle Scotty."

"Sky, no, don't."

"Then explain," she had to stand her ground. Their planet needs breeders, and he has one, and suddenly, they aren't good enough. Hasin is perfect. Her fingers were petting the tiny tail.

"We can never go back to 52."

Her eyes snapped to his, "I thought you were staying here anyway. I thought the plan was never to go back."

"Sky, he's a breeder."

"I'm aware; explain better, Hobi, or I'm leaving."

"We can't go back to 52 because they'll take him from us. When breeders are born, the parents have a choice of keeping them until they reach puberty, and then the government comes and takes them to live at the breeder houses. But most people give them up at birth. If you do that, they will offer you another breeder immediately to thank you for your sacrifice." He sighed, hands clenched in a tight fist. "I will not have my son become a slave."

"Okay, that makes sense, but why are you so freaked out about us staying here? And if you say it's because he's a breeder, I will stab you with something."

"Sky, but that's why men here don't have babies. What would happen if your government discovered him? It's his biology; he might want kids. He'd have to find a partner willing to deal with that."

She sat up, wincing from the pain. "Oh God, what do we do?"

"I don't know, that's why I'm freaking out. Best bet would be to go to 52, he'd be safest there. But also not safe; now, do you see why I'm freaking out about him being a breeder? I don't care that he is; I'm scared that he is. I want him to be safe, have a happy life, and find love. Not be made to birth young for greedy men or be a science experiment for other greedy men."

"I'm sorry I doubted you," she whispered as she squeezed his hand. She kissed Hasin's forehead softly, his soft, dewy hair tickling her nose. We'll figure it out together. I promise."

"B1204, this is your last chance. If you do not get pregnant from this implant, then you will be classified as infertile and will be placed in the workhouses. Do you understand?"

"I do," he whispered softly, acting the obedient enslaved just like they liked. But Creighton wasn't obedient, not by a long shot. His parents were thrilled to have a young; it didn't matter to them that he was a breeder. So they kept him, named him when they weren't supposed to and taught him to read and write—something that could have gotten them severely punished.

As soon as the Whalien officer turned his back, knowing B1204 would dutifully follow, Creighton smiled. He knew the test would be a fail; his biological father is a Doctor. He gave him a birth control implant the day before they came to take him away. It wouldn't last forever, but it would last long enough that he'd be deemed infertile, and that's all they wanted. 

Yes, he wanted to have young, but he wanted to raise them with a mate that he loved. Like so many of the breeders here. They want what the stupid Whaliens have. Was that too much to ask? He'd already met the mates that would be potentially raising the young. They seemed nice, really nice. But sadly, he knew it wouldn't happen. He almost wanted to apologize to them for getting their hopes up. They were at a lower level, and they only won him because he'd been labeled a defect since the first inseminations didn't take him. 

It was a risk on their part, but they wanted a young and were willing to try. The two reminded him a lot of his parents. They were in love and actually spoke to him like a person and not an object like so many of the others. "Hi, B1204. We're so excited," Harry said as he bounced up and down beside his mate. 

Draco was the quieter of the two, but Creighton could still tell he was excited about the prospect of a baby. "Thank you for doing this," he looked around the room, and once he realized it was clear, "Creighton, you have no idea what this means to us."

Do not cry; just because they treat you like one of them doesn't mean they want you. "Of course, it's my honor to do my duty and serve my masters and lords." It was the standard issue reply, but it made both whaliens frown.

"Well, yes, okay. Good luck there. I hope it works. They told us this was your last chance. Do you know where they will place you if it doesn't work?"

"I have no idea, Sir; I'll go where I'm told."

Harry bounced more, "Don't take this the wrong way because I want a baby. But if it doesn't work, maybe Draco and I can request your services. We heard that you are trained in all household matters. I must say that we work too much, and both are terrible house-husbands. It would be nice to eat home-cooked meals once in a while."

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