Chapter 52

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Jin didn't even knock; he just barged in and started yelling. Telling her how she was the dumbest person he's ever met. She was making this 9,000 times more complicated for everyone than it should be. And how if he had it his way, he'd throw her ass over his shoulder and carry her back to the ship. But he's not allowed to do that, so instead, he'll yell at her until she realizes how idiotic she was. 

She never got a word in; he spent 15 minutes yelling at her, barely taking a breath. And then he left the same way he came, without a care for what other people think. "He's; I'm not even sure I can even describe him in words. But yeah, damn."

"I know, that's Jin, the oldest. He's a lot of fun but super sassy and sort of bossy. He's adorable, isn't he?"

"That's one word to describe him, yes." He squeezed her knee, "the only one left is the father, right?"

"Yeah, I'm surprised he hasn't shown up yet."

Scott rolled his eyes and flicked her forehead, "he's the MVP, you idiot; he has the most to gain or lose. They send the weakest ones first, then the healer to check on you, and then you get the hardasses. One to guilt you and the other to yell at you and piss you off. Then they send in the one that needs you the most."

"He doesn't need me, not really. Once the baby is out, he will have everything he wants. They could hide the baby on 52, say their breeder had it. They are high up in the military; odds are no one would question it."

"Again, you are so fucking dumb. You are far enough along that if they just wanted the baby, they could have induced labor and then taken off with their kid. Wham, bam, no need for you. But they have been here daily, trying to convince you how much they care about you."

Hobi walked in slowly. "There's a lot I need to tell you. If you are ready to hear it, I want to tell you everything: what the Desmonds mean, what you heard, and what you didn't hear. Will you listen?"

He talked for over 30 minutes. He told her they all proposed, but it was much more than a proposal. They had promised to be there until their deaths, how much they loved her, and that they wanted to stay here on Earth. They had a plan, a plan to fake their deaths so they could take care of their babies and her. That's all they've ever wanted since they met her.

"You guys love me?"

"More than I could even begin to express, but I will spend the rest of our lives telling you how much. If you'll let me, that is."

"Hobi, I want that. More than anything, I'm scared. I'm scared of having the rug pulled out from under me again. I.. I can't get my hopes up, and then you guys leave. I'm not sure I'd survive even more if you took my baby. I'd have no one."

"I'm sitting right here, you ass; who do you think has been drying all your tears and cleaning up all your snot rags?"

"Why are you even here? I'm confessing my undying love to my mate, and you are eating chips and watching us like a TV show."

"Um. This is my apartment, dude, and it's not like I wouldn't hear everything from her anyway. Besides, who do you think has been talking you assholes up this entire week? Every day, I tell that idiot how much you guys love her and try to convince her to admit that she loves you back. It's not easy, you know."

Hobi's jaw dropped. Has this guy been helping them? "Why, why would you help us? We are aliens, and we kidnapped her and got her pregnant."

He shrugged his shoulders. "You treat her right, you love her, and she loves you. I haven't seen her this happy since Lucy was alive. I missed her smile. If you guys are why she has it back, I'm team alien."

Hobi turned back to look at Sky, "I know you aren't ready to return to the ship, but would you at least move into the house? It's ready, and I know it would make them so happy to know you are there."

"You want me to stay in that massive house alone? Can Scotty come?"

Hobi did not want her to stay in the house alone; he assumed they would stay with her. He looked at Scotty, begging for help with his eyes. Thankfully, the human was quick to catch on. "Uh, Cameron, as much as I love being your roommate, I miss my bed. So why don't you move in there and let your mates stay with you so I know you are safe?"


"No buts, you are doing this. I'll visit you every day, and frankly, once your ass is out of my apartment, I'm not leaving my bed for a week."

She snorted and rolled her eyes dramatically, "if you aren't going to leave your bed for a week, how are you going to visit me every day?"

"With the exception of that, I won't. I'll come see you, grab some food on the way, shower, and return to bed. That will be my life while I and my love get re-antiquated."

"You are so freaking weird. Like I don't get you at all."

He patted her shoulder, "You don't have to. Now, shall I help you pack?" He threw all her things into a massive garbage bag, "Here, I'll drive you guys to the house."

She looked at her best friend, who was no longer the most annoying person and laughed. He was so eager to return her to her mates; it was adorable. "Okay, Scotty, let's go."

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