Chapter 60

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Jimin was holding Sky against his chest; he was so happy, but it was not funny. He got to try for his young, and he got to make her feel so much pleasure; she let him take some control, and it was so amazing. His hand went down to palm her tummy; his baby could be in there, and he couldn't be more elated if he tried.

She shot up, eyes wide, before she took off towards the bathroom and threw up the little that was in her stomach. Jimin was there, rubbing her back and saying soothing words to try to calm her down. He yelled for someone, and Joon crashed in. "Ah, well, that explains the screaming last night. I'll go make her food, bring her down in a bit."

Sky groaned, "Was I really that loud?" Jimin giggled loudly before smacking his hand over his mouth. I guess that answers that question." She looked at him with watery eyes, "Looks like you'll be a dad here soon, Jimin."

He jumped on her, both of them crashing into the floor. He twisted at the last minute, so he was the one who landed first, with her on top of him. "So happy, Sky, you have no idea. not only because of becoming a dad but also because of what we did last night." He blushed as he brushed her hair behind her ear. "I hope it wasn't the last time."

"Getting greedy now? I haven't slept with the others, and you already want more?"

"I'm very greedy; you should know this by now," he was grinning, and it was so fucking cute. "But alas you are right, they would love to have time with you as well." He sighed, "As much as I want you all to myself, I love my mates, and they also love you. So I should probably not try to monopolize you."

"I'm just not sure I'm ready," she admitted quietly. "I want to, God, do I want to so badly? I'm just scared. What if I'm not enough for you, or what do you want? You've only been fucked, Jimin, so it's different for you. But what about Jin or Jk? They do the fucking, and a vagina feels a lot different than an ass."

"Well, I'd give you the spill about Hobi enjoying it and how he still talks about it today, but you won't believe me until you see how much they'll love it for yourself. As much as I don't want to push you into their arms literally, I will if I have to."

She tried to argue, but he stopped her with a kiss. "Come on, my baby needs to eat."

"N'baby," she mumbled, and it made him giggle again.

"I was talking about this one," he whispered against her forehead as his hand traced over her stomach where their young was growing.

"Oh," she whispered, her mouth forming a cute little O.

"Yeah, oh."

He picked her up and carried her downstairs; he was afraid she would argue. But she slumped against his body with no issues at all; he liked this. When she was all soft and cuddly. Don't get him wrong; Domme Sky was hot as fuck, but soft Sky. The one that clings to them like an adorable little koala bear; he can't get enough of that Sky. 

Joon was already in the kitchen. Jin had finished cooking and threatened to murder Joon if he dropped the plate. "It's 10 feet, Jin; I'm not going to drop it."

Tae laughed, "You could drop it standing still, Joon. I love you, but your clumsiness is otherworldly."

Jungkook was feeding Hasin while Hobi tried to wake Yoongi up enough to eat. Jimin carried Sky to the table and sat them down. "Where's Jackson and Mark?" His head swiveled around. "And Scotty? That guy practically lives here?"

Yoongi blinked his green eyes open, his gummy grin pouring out mischief. "Well, while he's walked in on all of us fucking constantly, apparently, hearing Sky screaming in pleasure was too much for his little gay brain. He took off running and told us to have Sky call him when it was safe to come back over."

Sky smiled as she rubbed her face against Jimin's shoulder and neck, whining a bit. "If I never call him, then does that mean he won't come back and pester us?" She pulled back a bit, "we'll save so much money if we don't have to feed him."

They all chuckled a bit before Joon successfully placed her plate in front of Sky, smugly grining at Tae and Jin. "You carried it 10 feet, and you act like you defused a bomb." Jin rolled his eyes, but he still kissed his clumsy mate to let him know that he was proud of him.

Jackson peeked his head into the back door of the kitchen. "Is it safe?" He was grinning, so Sky knew he was just teasing them.

Jimin rolled his eyes. "It's not. I'm about to spread Sky out on the table and have a feast. You should go."

Sky was getting ready to smack Jimin, but Jackson snorted loud enough to distract her: "Aww, the Prince is getting feisty, I see." Then he plopped into an empty chair, pulled his mate into his lap, and started eating off Hobi's plate. 

"Here, just take it, geez," Hobi sneered before sliding his plate to Jackson. For days, everything was going great until the warship showed up.

Jin looked at Sky, worry filling his eyes. "They aren't going to stop; if we don't go back to 52, they will never stop hunting us."

"Nnnoo," Sky cried out as she ran into his, arms holding him as tightly as she could. "You promised never to leave me."

"I don't want to, baby, but this is the only way to keep you and our babies safe. Hobi will stay here for Hasin, and you and Jimin will be here for the baby. We'll leave Mark here; he's as trained as Yoongi for medical emergencies." 

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