you betrayed me

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A million thoughts ran through your mind. Memories piling in by the minute;
getting some ice cream with your mom for your birthday.
Your parents kissing your head as they leave your room to go to work.
Your mom putting a bandaid on a cut after you fell.
Walking to their room after you had a night mare.
Her evil cackled broke your train of memories.
... The list goes on
"Y-you traitor..." you stammered out. "No I just did what was agreed on." she smirked. Your mother was the worst snake of them all. Your father was a tough, prestigious man that never left you mother side. Where was he now?

"Your mirror in the room gave you away, it lies." She quipped. You slammed you hands on the table. Standing up, knocking the chair back and to the floor in the process. Yelling at her all of the things you had wanted to, from foul comments, to her parenting skills. Everything  was said and heard. Guards gingerly pulled her chair back as she walked out of the room.
One man got of from the table he glides toward you. He harshly shoved you onto the ground, kicking you into the chair in process. You realize it was your father  who was doing this to you. He was going to continue to hit you relentlessly, until the door had opened. Three princes walked in sitting at the table. One snapped his fingers and the guards rushed to you jerking and flinging your father away from you. They gingerly picked you up, stood you up, and walked you towards the prince that snapped his fingers. "Sit her next to me, my fine fellows and I need to discuss things." You took notice to what he looked like. Green hair with no crown, dirt covers shoes with his pants torn.  A white shirt with a low v cut. A fur coat with a golden chain clasp holding it high on his shoulders.

You zoned out not listening or answering questions, you were just ...gone...

You fazed back to reality once they said you all were having dinner. You fixed Eri's hair aswell as your (h/c) locks. Dressing up in the dresses they provided you. Eri giggled and twirled in her dress, you had a hunch she loved the dress. I finished up getting ready and decided to look around the room a little more. The windows had bars attached to them  the door to the room was hidden. They trapped and caged you. 

The guards came to escort you to your seat next to Eri at the table. You watched as the three princes eyes were in you the entire time, it disgusted you. They had no remorse, for you or eri, for anyone but themselves.

If only you knew what the were actually planing

Dinner consisted of
More meat
Did you mention meat?
The only thing
that wasn't meat was the drinks

At least you hopped so...

Eri started to shake violently as a man walked into the room, the man that you fought in the tavern on the run. Everyone noticed how you changed once he walked in the room. The first prince to notice was Shoto Todoroki. He stood up, he looked mad, and shouted at the man, "what are you doing here?"    
The slim man strutted over and yanked eri by the arm starting to quickly drag eri out the door. She screamed and reached her arms for you. Guards holding you back as you screamed your lungs out.

"THATS IT!" You screamed before ripping off the two clasped skirt. You never liked them so you wore pants under the dresses. You shoved a guard into another causing them to fall in a domino like way
You slid under the table grabbing a extra steak knife that was relatively sharp. You bit the knife holding it between your teeth carful not to cut yourself as you yanked Eri from the man and held her close to your torso. You grabbed the knife, pointed it at his throat, and pressed the sharp edge into the throat. Not enough to kill him but enough to prove a point.

Clapping from the small woman with green hair ended the silence that overthrew the room. The man was taken away by the guards after a blonde haired woman came in screaming.

You held eri close, she was sitting in your lap trembling, you rubbed comforting circles into her back.
You whispered to her about how you weren't ever going to let anything happen to her, she calmed down after a while.

" she ok?" The small green haired woman, Queen Inko, asked peering at the small child in your lap. "She's fine." A rough male voice, Bakugo, said. You got mad and just snapped. "How do you know? Hm? I took down 19 of you 'guards' in seconds. Did you save her from getting taken? Did you travel miles to keep her safe?" You asked, more aggressive by the second.
Everyone was shocked around the room. Mouths to the floor. He strutted to you and pulled out a knife from his holster, "Run that by me again bunny."
You stood up holding Eri on your hip and with one arm. You snatched the knife out of his hand and stabbed it into the table. "Go fu- " your words were cut off by his guard digging his claws Into your shoulder. You started laughing.
Laughing from you echoed in the room
"...What the hell?..." Bakugo said backing up. You had tears from laughing so hard running down your face. When you looked at everyone all you saw was read and black.

You were in a room that felt familiar in ways.


please don't be afraid to leave a comment on my mistakes or if you just want to add some input.
Thank you!

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