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He wakes up way too early. It's not even eight yet, on a Sunday no less, and he knows he can't have had more than five hours of sleep. He also knows there's no way he's going back to sleep now. Eddy is still there, behind him, so close his belly touching his back. He can feel his slow breathing. Oh, it's so nice. So comfortable, so sweet. 
So sexy.
Oh fuck, so much too sexy. His dicks swells up quickly, until it's begging him to touch it, begging him for a release. 
But no. Just, no. It isn't right. Even if he could, now, he doesn't want to, doesn't want to take away from how perfect last night was with something as mundane as a wank. 
And suddenly he can't stay, no matter how much he wants to. He slides out from under Eddy's touch as quietly as he can. Looks around with concern, but no, Eddy stays fast asleep. He pads to his wardrobe, opens the door like a mouse, pulls out some sweats. 
A jog is exactly what he needs to release all this pent up energy, all this worry, all this frustration. 

He closes the door behind him and he's running already. Fuck stretching, today, fuck warming up. His feet pound the pavement as he heads towards the con, running as fast as he can, his quick breaths cleansing, relieving. He pushes himself on, further, until his heart is pounding in his throat, then he stops and leans forward, his hands on his thighs, allowing himself a quick moment to catch his breath. 
"Oh God." he pants softly to no one in particular. "My God."
He looks around at the quiet streets. The sun is already getting hot, it's promising to be a beautiful day. 
Will it be? 
He starts running again, but at a more sane pace, now. They've got a concert to go to at the con, later, and it won't be useful if he's so tired he falls asleep. And he's got his head together again now, anyway. He nods to himself as he's running back into his street. He knows what to do. In fact, there is basically only one thing he can do, and it's normalcy. And keeping Eddy comfortable. 

Okay, so he had decided on normalcy, he knows that very well, but the second he walks in and sees Eddy his heart still leaps into his throat, because he is there, up, getting dressed, and Brett catches just a glance of his toned belly, with the little splattering of hair. His mouth goes dry and he looks away quickly. 
"Ah, you're awake. I thought you'd still be out." he says, his tone so normal he impresses himself. Eddy shakes his head.
"Nah, I woke up, couldn't sleep anymore. 
Brett nodds as an idea pops into his head. 
"Wanna go out and have breakfast, some good coffee? I'll take a quick shower.
There's a little cafe on the way to the con that he knows Eddy likes. In fact, he jogged past it not twenty minutes ago. 

He rushes into the shower and washes his hair on the double. Throws on a towel, and he's already back in his room. Eddy is sitting on his couch, looking over some music theory paper. He smiles as he opens the wardrobe. Eddy is much better than he is at all that shit, of course, and he doesn't usually study very much for it either. 
He shoots into some jeans, pulls on a button down shirt and turns around, wondering if he should interrupt or not. But fuck that, it's not like Eddy needs the study time.
"You comin'?"
"Yeah, I'm starving."

It's so weird, walking back the same route he ran earlier, but now with Eddy by his side. Haven't they walked here a million times? So why does everything feel different, this morning? They walk into the cafe, order what they always order and sit down at a table by the window. Brett glances at Eddy through his eyelashes. He looks preoccupied. 
Does he regret what they did last night? But as soon as he thinks it, almost like he could read his mind, Eddy looks up and shakes his head, smiles his new sweet smile at him. 
His heart stops for a moment, like Eddy could see right through him, and he pulls his deadpan shell closer.
"You feel like the concert this afternoon?" he asks him like everything is completely ordinary.
"Yeah, sure. Hope I can stay awake, though."
Brett grins.
"You gotta learn to sleep, mate."
He tries not to think about how he helped him sleep. Hey, it worked, right?
"I know." Eddy says. "Maybe you should buy a rubber hammer you can knock me out with."
Brett laughs once.
"Remind me to go past the hardware store on our way to the con."

See? They are still them. They can do this. They can. 
They must. 

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