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God, it's a good thing he's had so much practice hiding how he feels, because he's sure they would take him to some sort of psych ward if they could see inside him right now. The thoughts never stop swirling, and his heart never stops pounding. He watches Eddy silently as they practise, as they get ready, as they walk to the con for the concert. He seems okay, just quiet. And tired. 
He's seen him tired a million times, because he never sleeps enough, but today it's different. There is a depth to his eyes he hasn't seen before, a weariness to the way he moves his limbs. 
What can he do? Did he do that? And what should he do to fix it? 
He follows him into the auditorium for the concert, although every cell in his body is telling him to stay out, this is a bad idea, an hour of quiet, of sitting still. 
What choice does he have, though?
Eddy walks into one of the middle rows and sits down next to this girl who sometimes goes out with them. Jill, he thinks her name is. Brett sits down on his other side and tries not to see how Eddy's eyes glance over her body, down to her breasts. 
Does he like her? 
I mean, she's certainly pretty enough, and she's half Asian, he thinks. That would work well for Eddy, wouldn't it? Brett suppresses a sigh and focuses on the quartet coming on stage. 

It's impossible, just impossible to keep his eyes forward. They keep throwing secret glances to his right, to Eddy, who is still ogling Jill. His own eyes glance down Eddy's body and he almost screams when he catches that Eddy is hard, just before he crosses his knee and starts taking off his sweater. 
Brett bites his lip as he looks back up to the stage. Okay. So Eddy likes her. Wants her, maybe. Does she want him too? 
He's hardly heard a note, but the concert is over, and Eddy is up like he's been stung, holding his sweater carefully in front of him. 
Like Brett doesn't already know full well why.
"I'm just going toilet, alright? Be back in a minute." he says.
Brett nods quickly. He doesn't want to think about why Eddy is leaving for the toilet, when he's just been at home. When he's clearly turned on, by the girl. 
"Yeah, I'll go get us some coffee." he says and turns to walk out of the isle. 

Jill walks with him, and he forces himself to smile and make smalltalk with her. He's good at that, of course. He usually enjoys it, too. But his mind is still racing as they join the line, as he orders three coffees, one for Jill, one for Eddy. Then he walks with her to a table, bites his lip again and nods as he sits down. 
"So." he starts in his pleasant tone, the one he uses for people he doesn't know that well. "Do you want to come along to the bar on Wednesday? You've been before, right?"
Jill smiles, her eyes, open, expectant, but then she suddenly casts her eyes down and looks up at him from there, all demure. 
"Yeah, sure. So er... can I just ask you, do you know what Eddy's deal is? I mean, he's single, right?"
The world stops for a moment as he manages not to show the shock on his face, manages not to let his jaw drop open. 
She's asking him. About Eddy. Oh fuck. But the second he realises what she's asking he also knows what he needs to do. Because it is the right thing for Eddy. 
"Oh." he says after a moment too long. "Yeah, he's single. And I think... well, I'm guessing he wouldn't mind a drink with you."
Now she really smiles, all coquettish like, and tosses her long hair over her right shoulder. 
"Cool. Thanks, Brett."

He shakes his head without really moving it and looks over to the entrance. Eddy will be here soon. And he's just gotten him a date. 
It's fine. 

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