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He holds Eddy's hand tight as they walk towards the con. Flashes of last night deliciously float around his brain. Eddy, lying in his bed next to him in the spot that had been desolate the night before, exactly where he belongs. Naked, free. Eddy's lips, around him, sucking him in turn. How he came, more deeply than he's ever known. How he held him all night, how he loved him again just now, before they left.
This is what love is, it's everything. Everything.
He can't help but be a little scared, though. He's hidden for so long, and now suddenly he's going to be out? To everyone? What will their friends even say? 
But then again, when has he ever backed down from a challenge? And he wants this, because he loves him, and this new strength has changed him, has changed the way he sees the world. It's brighter, like someone has turned on the HD at last.
Everything is better now that his hand is in Eddy's.

Jack is the first one to see them and he's like a cartoon character. His eyes spread open and his jaw falls, and Eddy starts laughing beside him. Freely, like he hasn't a care in the world.
"Wait, what the fuck?" Jack manages, and Eddy nods straight away.
"Yeah, we have a little bit of news."
He doesn't think he's ever seen Jack speechless before, but clearly they've managed it now.
"Bu... you... Jill... wha?"
Something pierces through Brett. Some of the pain, the angst, the jealousy. It's still there, or at least the ghost of it. What's Eddy going to say? But he simply smiles kindly at Jack and shrugs.
"Yeah. Jill's nice, right? But I found who I really want to be with. And it turns out I'm lucky enough that he wants the same."
The ghost becomes smaller, until it's just a ghost of a ghost, as Eddy squeezes his hand.
Does he know? Can he feel it? He squeezes him back and Eddy smiles his new, sweet smile.
All at once Jack finds himself, closes his mouth and slaps them both hard, on the shoulder.
"Well, congrats, I guess." he says as if it's nothing. "So, you guys gonna walk like that all day?"
Brett follows his pointing finger to their hands, their intertwined fingers.
"Probably, to be honest." he says.
He never wants to let Eddy's hand go.

He sees Jill from a ways away, and the ghost of the ghost starts to grow again. She squeals from upstairs when she sees them together and runs down the stairs so fast Eddy has to let him go to stop her from falling. He scrunches his eyes together and tries not to be jealous. Eddy has said what he feels, right? And he has shown it. There's no need for any ghosts, even though the years have been long.
"Hi." Eddy says with a massive grin. She puts both her hands on his shoulders and eyes him sternly.
"Oh my God." she says as Eddy grabs Brett's hand again. He exhales in relief. "Eddy! Wow! I told you! Didn't I tell you? You talked to him!" she enthuses, then turns and beams at him. "And you! You idiot, getting him a date with me, what were you thinking. Guys! You need to talk about things!"
The ghost flies out of the door, gone, just gone, and in its place there's nothing but joy. This is what all the songs talk about, right?
"I know." he tells her honestly. She really is a lovely girl. A friend. "I was a real idiot. But it all worked out in the end."
She hugs Eddy quickly, then him.
"Just make sure I'm a groomsmaid for one of you, when you get married." she whispers, then lets go. "Anyway. I have rehearsal. Later, lovebirds!"

He's never had a better day at the con than now, with Eddy his, by his side. He's almost sad when it's time to go, but then he remembers what's waiting for them at home. It's them, what they've always been, but now so much more.
"So. That was quite a day." he says as they walk along the pavement with their hands intertwined. Some woman ogles them, but who the fuck cares what some woman thinks?
Eddy leans against him for a moment, clearly oblivious to the ogling.
"Yeah. I guess the biggest thing for me was how few people were surprised."
Brett grins. "Yeah, I know. It's like we had only fooled ourselves, and no one else. Well, maybe Jack."
Eddy stops and turns to him.
"No more of that, Bretty. I love you."
See? People can ogle all they want. He's got the whole world right here, anyway. He leans over to his love and gives him a quick kiss.
"I love you too. Now, please, can we get to my room already?"

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