Chapter 2

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Dawn Winery is such a long walk from the city of Mondstadt who wants to go that far for a 30-minute visit?

I have a cold-cut platter as a gift for Diluc, I also heard he liked grape juice so I found a fancy bottle on some shelf in Mondstadt and made sure it wasn't from Dawn Winery... That would be embarrassing if I forgot to check!

Cold-cut platters weren't Diluc's favorite but I knew he didn't hate them because as a child my father took me to try to make a business deal with Diluc's father, Crepus and I saw him nearby eating something that resembled it. 

I couldn't believe my eyes, I saw Diluc among the grapevines and he didn't look busy at all! This was my lucky day I take this as a win.

I started waving in Diluc's direction and called out "Master Diluc!" I heard he doesn't go by his last name and instead Master Diluc, its a little weird but I could deal with it. 

As soon as Diluc saw me I could tell his face changed even though he was quite a distance away, first surprise then I could see in his blazing eyes that he was upset he was caught outside the manor.

I planted the most genuine smile I could muster as I approached Diluc. "Miss Orla, what brings you here?" 

I think Diluc had an idea of what I was trying to do, after all, a few rumors had spread of what I was doing to the wealthy in Mondstadt it just couldn't be confirmed. 

"Well I went to Springvale to pick up a few items and I found some items that reminded me of you so I decided to stop by." 

"How kind of you." Diluc smiled at me but I knew that it wasn't genuine, I doubted he liked me much but I never gave him a reason to dislike me. I suspect all those times his maids told me he wasn't there he was just inside ordering them to tell me that. 

Well, time to make my move, "Well I also came because I haven't been able to find a chess partner as of late." Diluc likes chess, I'm not quite sure about other games though. 

"Well, I do have a little time. Right, this way." I smiled again and followed Diluc inside. He led me upstairs and into a lounge or game room I don't know the purpose of this room as I saw perfectly good couches downstairs, this must've been what it's like to be the richest man in a country. 

"Please sit." I took a seat on one of the couches and I watched as Diluc walked over to a dresser and pulled out a chessboard and pieces. He set the board on the coffee table and started placing the pieces in their respective places. 

I took this opportunity to set down the thin box I had with the platter and I pulled the grape juice bottle out of the satchel I had brought. 

Diluc looked up at the items I placed on the coffee table and cautiously said, "Oh... I don't drink." 

I spun the bottle around on the table so he'd see the label. "I brought grape juice, not wine it's rather early in the afternoon to be drinking." 

Diluc was taken aback. Well, I worked hard for the information I have on him so he should be. Diluc then set out two glasses for us. 

"I also brought a cold-cut platter. I hope it's to your liking." I took the top off the box to reveal the platter. 

Something was set off in Diluc's head and he left the room saying he'll be right back. I was wondering what he was thinking? Maybe that I brought things fitted for a noble child and less for an adult? Whatever it was he was gone for a good 10 minutes. 

I crossed my legs and uncrossed them, fiddled with the chessboard and I was bored. What was taking Diluc so long? It doesn't take this long to use the bathroom or to collect yourself? Just as I was starting to debate whether to take my leave or not the door clicked open and Diluc appeared again. 

"Apologies I took so long I was getting plates." He held up some fancy plates and utensils and I would estimate the plate costing well over 50,000 mora! I wonder if I could take it home with me without him noticing... 

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