Chapter 31

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When I finally gained consciousness I realized I was tied up. My ankles were bound to the chair and my hands were tied behind the chair. There was a cloth shoved in my mouth and a rope holding it in place, luckily they didn't put a strip over my eyes. I looked around the room and the only thing I could make out was a door a few feet away, the room is pretty dark and there's a light hanging down from the ceiling but it's dim and flickering, it definitely needs replacing. 

I heard footsteps coming from beyond the door so I acted as if I was still knocked out. I'm disappointed with myself, I wouldn't be in this situation if I had been harsher and taken out the attackers permanently, a part of me didn't want to hurt them because I know they were just trying to fix the situation we were in right now but they did get the wrong person. 

Lord Barbatos please show me mercy. I don't usually pray and don't have a reason to do that often. 

As I heard the door creak open I realized there were two people at the very least, that many footsteps wouldn't come from only one. I wonder what they plan to do with me, I'm also wondering where I am. 

"Master Diluc she's still not awake." I was shocked to hear that, Diluc did this. He must've been the one I was threatening. Diluc thought I was really siding with the Fatui and they had to take action. I doubt they targeted me specifically but they probably noticed the pattern of me going out every night. Compared to the rest of the Lawerence Clan I'm the only one who isn't heavily guarded at all times. 

"Please summon me when she does. Whatever you do, don't let her make any loud noises." Diluc had a stern tone and if I wasn't listening to the actual words it just sounds like he was doing business. But the loud noises make me think we're still in the city, perhaps we're at Angel's Share or an unoccupied house. But we haven't left the city so I do have a chance to escape. I can't let them know of my actual agenda or that would risk things, I originally thought that I could count on Diluc as an ally but I don't think he would listen to me now, I wonder if he thinks that Razor was going to lead him straight into a trap. 

"Of course Master Diluc." With that I could hear one of them leave, I'm assuming Diluc while the other person stayed. 

I might as well alert them I'm awake it doesn't seem like they are going to take action before then. 

As I opened my eyes I realized that the person who was watching me was one of the maids at Dawn Winery, but I don't remember their name. I wiggled in the chair to make sure they knew I was awake. Suddenly they left the room and I could hear them calling for Diluc as they got further away. The walls don't seem to be particularly thick, so it cant be Angel's Share. 

Gathering my thoughts the most I could come up with is that they kidnapped me to use me as leeway against our new tyrannical rulers, or they might publically execute me which is the worst-case scenario. 

I heard them coming back and just to test the strength of my binds and I rocked back and forth, apparently, the chair didn't like this and one of the legs gave in and I fell hard to the ground. Luckily it was on my side but it really did hurt. 

I groaned through the gag and looked up as the door opened. Diluc was glaring down at me, if I were him I probably would've felt betrayed I don't what our relationship became before all of this but I think he at least considered me a friend. 

"Just leave her down there... She deserves it." Diluc said with gritted teeth. He must be really mad at me. 

Diluc then directed his subordinate out of the room. He then started walking toward me. This is one of the only times in my adult life I have ever been so terrified that my body wouldn't even listen to my commands. Not like I could move but I just froze with wide eyes. 

He then knelt down and got on his knees. "If you scream, I won't hesitate to kill you." Diluc sneered out at me and then ripped the cloth out of my mouth. 

I coughed for a second trying to compose myself. "Diluc you've got to believe me I had no part in this," I said in a shaky voice. All I could think is that I'm too young to die and I don't want to die, and I don't want to be involved in this I want to be back in the past before my house was crushed before any of this happened. 

"Then why did you take up a position in their ranks? And why did you have a delusion? Why would you allow this to happen!?" Diluc asked but he seemed so enraged that I don't even know if my answer would be enough for him. 

"Diluc... I" I was then cut off. "Save your breath, we've already arranged to trade you." Diluc stood up. This is unfair, he didn't even give me a chance to explain when he asked those questions.

"Diluc I just wanted to try to fix things!" I screamed out as he was walking away. Tears started rushing to my eyes and I realized that he said he would kill me if I yelled. "I'm on your side," I said while holding back my cries and how much I desperately wanted to scream out for help because I'd never felt like I'd been in this much danger, even if I was fighting against someone in a death match, at least then I had a chance but here I couldn't do anything but using my words that weren't even wanted. 

Diluc pivoted and turned back to me. As he examined me he saw tears streaming down my face, and his look instantly softened. I closed my eyes trying to shut out the world. I could hear him walking back to me. 

I felt his gloved hand on my ankle and then a cold piece of metal. I looked down and thought he was going to cut me until I felt the rope release my foot, the same thing was repeated with my other foot and then my hands. 

I was free, but why? I held my hands close and rubbed where the binds once were and came to sit up. 

I made eye contact with Diluc and he got closer and brought me into his embrace. "I'm sorry I-" He cut off not knowing what to say and instead rested his head on my shoulder while rubbing my back. 

"You are not your family. I am so sorry this happened." He said solemnly. 

What Diluc felt almost freeing, was the acknowledgment that I am not who I come from. I've never heard it from someone else before, I used to lay in bed before sleeping and tell myself that I'm not my family. I've never seemed to be able to get out of their ominous shadow but now, now with this I could, their shadow was so large but perhaps I could make it out now.

Diluc let go of me and stood up and held his hand out for me. I took it and he pulled me up. I then asked, "When is the trade?" 

"It's at midnight but you don't have to go through with it. I can take you away from this." Diluc offered. 

I shook my head, "Diluc we both know that I can help with the current situation better from the inside. Plus whatever you are trading me for will be worthy." 

"The trade is for the safety of the people and for anyone who has been detained by the Fatui," Diluc stated. 

"You heard about their plan to execute the Acting Grandmaster, didn't you? It's only a rumor but it would definitely happen sometime later down the line if you don't step in." I sighed, Jean didn't deserve to die but it would happen without this trade. I'd be saving many lives if I go through with this and I doubt that I'd be in danger when handed back to the Fatui and my family. 

Diluc only nodded in reply. 

"Well we have to go now, I'm sorry but I have to tie your hands," Diluc said while grabbing a fresh length of rope from a table in the corner that I can barely see due to how dark it is. 

"It's fine." I held out my hands and Diluc tied them together. "My staff will be here soon to take you to the location, we've agreed to meet at the city gates." I watched as Diluc pulled out a bag and I knew that my head had to be covered. I lowered my head as Diluc placed it over my head, successfully blinding me.

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