Chapter 3

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The room we were in has a window overlooking the grapevines and a path leading away from the estate. 

During the chess game, the room got darker as the sky clouded over and the sun was blocked out. At some point, Diluc seemed a bit worried about it, I on the other hand just thought it was another attack from that lizard. 

Stormterror had been consistent with the attacks on Mondstadt recently but all that was really done during the "attacks" is a small tornado usually running straight through the center of town. Only idiots would get caught by it. 

"I should go outside and see the situation," Diluc said and abruptly stood up from his seat. "I'll come with you." I offered, I wouldn't be much help because I'm looking out for number one but I do want to know why the sky is dark even here. 

"Miss Orla please stay here for your safety." Diluc left the room after saying that and I wasn't given a chance to respond. Maybe he cares or... Probably just not wanting me to croak here at Dawn Winery. 

I watched the window and I saw hilichurls running out from behind some trees. What are they doing here? I got to my feet and started heading downstairs. I can't miss out on the mora I can beat out of those monsters! Sometimes they drop a few coins, I like to shake them down to get anything I can out of those hilichurls. 

Outside the wind really picked up. I looked up to the sky just to make sure Stormterror wasn't here for wine or something like that. Nothing up there except bad weather. 

Soon enough the hilichurls spotted me and I summoned my sword, I had been carrying around the Freedom Sworn sword. I found it stowed away. The Freedom Sworn sword, of course, was a symbol of freedom but I didn't care much for this history of it, the sword was sharp and still full of power so I wielded it ignoring the meaning of what it is to hold this weapon. 

Swiftly taking care of the hilichurls I shook their limp bodies and a few coins flew out from wherever hilichurls kept their pocket money. I wonder if hilichurls have pockets? 

I started grabbing the coins from off the ground when I heard an eerie noise. I looked up to see an abyss mage before me with a pyro shield. 

"Crap." I got into a fighting stance ready to slowly stab away at the shield of this mage. I hate the abyss beings because they're so annoying to take down always screaming in another language too. 

Apparently, I wasn't focusing on the battle because the next thing I knew there was flame coming right for my face, was this to be my fate? I stumbled backward trying to get away and I was falling over and I realized I would surely be done if I fell. 

Suddenly I felt a hand grab my collar and I was heaved back to an upright position. "Get inside!" It was Diluc and he shouted at me not holding back his anger in his tone. 

I got back but didn't go inside. Diluc has a pyro vision and the abyss mage has a pyro shield I wondered how he'd destroy the shield. I watched as he tried to break away at the shield with his claymore, it wasn't working. 

The shield was perfectly intact. I decided I need to help Diluc because if there's no Diluc there's no mora.  I'd have to expose myself as a vision holder, although maybe I could tell Diluc to keep quiet about it. 

I got in a low stance and took my sword in both hands. Electricity coursed through the shaft of the sword. 

I charged at the abyss mage and when the sword hit the shield. The electricity caused an explosion and the pyro shield was broken into thousands of pieces. I then pressed on and my sword cleanly went through the abyss mage. 

The abyss mage was dead so I shook it on the end of the sword and sadly no mora came out of the little guy. 

I pushed the abyss mage off the sword and the creature's body slowly faded away into nothing leaving behind nothing but a leyline branch. I dusted myself off and took a neutral stance and then looked to Diluc. 

Diluc looked like he had seen a ghost which could've been plausible but not in this situation. 

To cut through the silence I coughed into my hand. "You saved me from an unfortunate fall so I aided you in the defeat of this abyss mage." I looked back to where the abyss mage was and picked up the leyline branch. I handed it to Diluc and he took it still in shock. 

"I wasn't aware you had a vision?" Diluc looked at me surprised. I need to lie but I don't know what lie I could tell that would be believable. I think I have an idea... "The gods granted me a vision in a dire state. I couldn't just leave you here to burn from that mage." 

"Wheres the vision?" Diluc asked and I immediately started searching my pockets. I forgot where I had put the little trinket but I knew I had it on me. "... Nevermind," Diluc said and I stopped searching. 

I think Diluc took how I supposedly got my vision seriously. I watched him dismiss his claymore and I did the same with my sword. 

"I was wondering, how did you come into possession of the Freedom Sworn sword?" Diluc asked as he ushered me inside. 

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