Chapter 7

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I closed the door and turned to see Marvin already outside of the pantry, I wondered if Diluc saw him. 

"What is in the box?" I looked down at the box and realized it felt a little weight-er than your average decorated flimsy box. 

"Not sure." I walked over to the kitchen table and placed it down and took the lid off. There was a handwritten note in it and a jewel of some sort. 

"Why would he give you that?" Marvin had joined me and was standing to my left looking over my shoulder. 

"So the rumors are true?" I looked up and Marvin looked at me a little surprised. 

"What rumors did you hear?" I asked. I knew what he was referring to just I wanted to know the depth of what he was able to find out. 

"That you are scamming and stealing from the wealthy." Marvin sighed it looked like he wasn't surprised anymore and just accepted this fact. 

"I never directly asked anyone to give me money. And the stealing part, well no comment." I will not admit I stole, I don't want to get reported to the knights and have to face legal charges, not that I think Marvin would do that but verbally confirming it would end badly for me either way. 

"I'm gonna go do something with this." I picked up the box and walked to my room and closed the door behind myself for a little privacy. 

I sat down on my bed and looked down at the jewel. It was around 2 inches big. In the shape of a diamond and glowed a magnificent purple. 

I picked the thing up out of the box and it reacted to my hand by just emitting more light. This gave me an idea. I reached for my bag now on the ground beside my bed and fished around in it to find my vision. 

Then held it up to the gem and the lighting only got more intense. This was an interesting object. It reacted with my vision. Then something else in the corner of the box caught my eye, a silver chain. I pulled it out and it happened to be a necklace chain. 

The note I saw was a few sentences long. And clearly, a piece of cut-out paper, who would cut a piece of paper to fit the size of the note and not just fold it up? 

I guess it's the thought that counts. 

The note read, "I want to thank you for what transpired the other day. I hope the gift is to your liking. I would like to invite you to a wine tasting that the Dawn Winery will be held tomorrow at 4.


He signed his name, never thought I'd see that. I could only assume that he thought me obtaining a vision had something to do with him. In fact, it didn't but from what I told him, one could guess that I obtained the vision because I wanted to protect him. It sounds silly but plausible. Now he's "taking responsibility for it," kind of like a surprise child-

The invite to the Dawn Winery was great. I don't know who'll be there though, probably just nobles and people in the wine industry, I'd be outcasted a bit. 

The jewel on the other hand looked expensive, I slipped the chain through a small hole in the gem. The fact it didn't have a metal piece attached to it made it look slightly cheaper but I don't think it would dampen its value in the end. 

I then and there decided I would wear it to the wine tasting and after I'd pawn it off.

I put the box to the side of my bed along with the contents I had received in it and left the room. 

Marvin helped himself to a book on one of my shelves and was reading on the couch. "I'm going out. Please don't destroy anything." I said to Marvin and approached the door. 

"What do I do if someone comes to the door?" Marvin asked. 

"Of course, you would just not answer it. If it's the mail you can just grab it for me." I saw this as a dumb question, it would be normal for someone not to be home during these hours and acceptable for nobody to come to the door. 

"What if it's someone important?" Marvin set down the book and looked up at me. 

"Like Diluc? I don't know what you're really on about but just ignore the door if you have to just tell them you're rooming with me if they ask." I then left not waiting for Marvin's reply. 

I don't know what I was going to do actually. Probably just grab breakfast at Good Hunter, I'm not sure what else today has in store yet. 

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