Chapter 25

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After Childe left my house I settled in for the night, turning the lights off and getting ready for bed. 

But there was this ominous feeling that I couldn't shake. I felt cold and clammy and I felt like something was about to happen, it reminded me of the saying it's calm before the storm.

As the sun completely vanished and the people of Mondstadt went into their homes I laid awake in bed trying to sleep, I just couldn't for some reason. 

My thought process was that if there really was something about to happen I couldn't do anything until it happened, I have no way of preventing something I didn't even know about. 

Perhaps Stormterror was going to attack again? I should be out of the firing line as I'm on the side of town and that lizard has yet to destroy this building. 

You know what? I decided I might as well take a walk outside the city since I couldn't sleep. I decided to put on a proper pair of clothes, a fitted pair of shorts, and a random gray and black top I had found in my old closet. I then grabbed an overcoat and slipped it on. Before walking out the front door I put on a pair of boots. If something were to happen now I'd be dressed at the very least.

I had made sure to take my vision with me, when I first got the little trinket I made sure that I carried it everywhere with me, I'll never know when I need to use it. 

Walking through Mondstadt at night is quite peaceful. Outside of the city walls, there isn't much to worry about either, hilichurls do in fact sleep so as long as you're quiet while passing through you won't be bothered. 

Sometimes you even get to see wolves, although that's a rarity if you arent in Springvale or Wolvendom. 

At the gates of Mondstadt, I didn't see any guards, it was extremely unsettling as there is always someone on guard even if the Knights of Favonious are under-staffed. Even as I walked over the bridge I didn't see anyone, I know it's a little late but for the whole town to be inside? On the bridge, there weren't any birds either, nor ducks in the water. 

Right beside the bridge, there's a small fruit tree, I decided I might as well sit under it and watch the lights coming from Mondstadt. I yawned as I leaned against the tree. I soon heard noises coming from behind me and I looked around to see Hilichurls and Abyss Mages. I shivered as I silently watched them, the Abyss Mages seemed to be commanding the Hilichurls. 

If I attempted to defeat those monsters I might come out victorious but there's such a large group of them that I don't know if I could. Could this be the overthrowing that Childe was talking about? Did the Fatui ally with the Abyss to take down Mondstadt. 

And to top it off I saw Stormterror flying over Mondstadt and beginning to circle it. The knights were nowhere in sight. It soon hit me that I can't do anything about this but what about the people inside? Surely the knights would eventually take control of the situation... Or did the Fatui get rid of them? This would explain why I didn't see any knights on my way out of the city. 

I quickly got to my feet and attempted to sneak away without the monsters seeing me. I suddenly heard a scream from one and looked back to the group of them to see that they had seen me and now they were coming in my direction. 

I began sprinting as if my life depended on it because it did. I could either stay here and attempt to hold my ground but if those Abyss Mages got the better of me I'd be gone. 

I looked back after sprinting into the woods to see that they had given up following me and turned back to their original goal of storming the city. 

The best bet for me to find help is in Springvale. Or possibly knights on patrol but that wishful thinking won't get me anywhere. 

I took a second to examine my surroundings and I then realized that the clouds in the sky were actually smoke, the smoke was coming in the direction of Springvale. Thinking of the worst I started running towards Springvale. 

But when I got there I was too late. The houses were engulfed in flames. Even the windmill was burning. 

I slinked down to my knees and watched as the fires burned. I feel completely defeated. I didn't see any people run out of the burning buildings either, I can only hope they've already escaped. 

Is this what Childe meant when he said the Fatui were going to take over?

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