Chapter 13

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Soon enough Childe came out without the guard. "You wanted to see me?" And then he went in for a hug and I allowed him. I patted him on the back and moments later he let go.

"Yes, actually I wanted to invite you to a wine tasting with me." 

"Really!?" Childe's dead eyes literally lit back up when I said that as if I had just directly told him that I reciprocated his feelings. Now I felt a little ethically challenged but my plans wouldn't change. 

"I'll go get ready! I'll be just 3 minutes wait here." Childe rushed back inside excitedly. I wondered what he'd wear. 

Considering what I'm wearing he should go with some sort of button-up and some nice pants, possibly a nice coat to finish it off. 

What he was wearing earlier wasn't that bad it was semi-formal, he could pass as slightly undressed in the outfit if he covered his stomach. 

Childe came back out in around 5 minutes in a gray suit with red accents, nothing super detailed but it did look nice on him. 

"Where are we going?" I started walking and Childe followed after me and we talked as we walked. "Dawn Winery." I could see Childe's face visibly change and he cracked an awkward smile.

"I'm not sure the owner of the Dawn Winery is too fond of me... Will he be there?" Childe asked me. "Oh. Well yes, he's going to be there. Can't you just take off that mask on the side of your head?" I didn't think Childe was that memorable for his ranking in the Fatui. Diluc probably wouldn't recognize him right? 

"Alright." I watched as Childe unpinned the mask from his head. He had a neutral look on his face I couldn't tell what he was thinking about.

"This is a delusion, it may look simple on the outside but it has quite a bit of power inside." Childe tossed the mask up and caught it. I don't know where he then put it, he moved faster than I thought he would and I missed it. 

"So delusions are like fake visions, right?" I knew a little bit about delusions from my family's dealings with the Fatui but I'd only seen a couple in person. One was a glove apparently used to kill someone important, I don't know who the important person would've been though. 

"Correct! I don't suggest ever using one. You might just want to stay away from them." Childe then grabbed my hand and we continued on to Dawn Winery with light conversation. 

"Childe, would you mind..." I didn't know how to word my request, "Would you mind going to this event as just friends?" I know that got my question across but I could've worded it better, oh well it was already stated.

"But why?" Childe looked over at me. We were almost at Dawn Winery and I saw it in the distance so this was the time to talk. I let go of his hand. 

"I don't want to make things official at a wine tasting, I don't want to make anything official at this time now." I saw Childe's face and he looked slightly hurt but he did take it better than I thought he would. 

"I understand." 

At Dawn Winery seating and tables were in the front. Waiters were going back and forth bringing different wines out for everyone to try. A few different people were explaining the process it took to make a few of the wines. 

I didn't see Diluc though. Not through any of the windows and he certainly wasn't outside yet. 

Childe and I sat at a table after attracting attention from a few of the guests, everyone talked for a little bit then sat in their groups. 

And then Diluc finally came out! He apologized for being late. Some people got up to greet him. I decided to stay sitting down and talk with Childe as if nothing had happened. 

Nobody really interesting was here. There was one guy I screwed over and a woman I attempted to screw over. Kaeya was also here but disinterested in me at the moment. 

"I heard someone has been playing hero in Mondstadt lately. They go by the Darknight Hero. Heard anything about it?" Childe suddenly asked, I think he was getting bored of just sitting around and idly chatting. 

"Oh yeah. Don't tell anyone but it's Diluc. I managed to see his red hair one night." It was true that I had found out who the Darknight Hero was just by seeing their hair. Nobody else in Mondstadt had red hair, also they wielded a claymore like Diluc. The Darknight Hero came about when he returned to Mondstadt as well. He didn't do a good job covering up his tracks and I didn't know how anyone else wasn't aware of it yet. 

"Pff. Does he wear the spandex like the heroes in those little comics?" Childe laughed. The name "Darknight Hero" was pretty funny and might I add, stupid. Although I don't think Diluc would choose that name for himself it was still hilarious. 

The Darknight Hero wasn't even popular in Mondstadt anymore, just someone everyone knew existed. 

"No. I don't think so. It's kind of a dorky outfit still. I only caught a glimpse but it looked like he was trying to be a ninja while also trying to tie it in with Mondstadt's style." Suddenly I saw Diluc walking towards us and I went silent hoping he didn't hear us. 

"Something... wrong?" Childe asked and then realized I was looking behind him and he turned back swiftly in his chair, he then jerked forward when he saw Diluc. 

"Ah! Diluc... Or wait is it Master Diluc? Anyways you gave me quite the scare, as expected of the fabled hero of Mondstadt." 

I awkwardly looked away for a moment. I couldn't believe Childe would just say that to Diluc so nonchalantly. 

"Miss Orla... Can we speak in private?" Diluc gritted his teeth together and I could actually hear them grinding. 

"Of course. I'll be right back Childe." 

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