Chapter 16

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I let out an exasperated sigh. I was annoyed that most of my things were in the house and I wasn't able to retrieve them.

After a few minutes of standing around, I started making my way to Kaeya's flat. It was right by the Knights of Favonius Headquarters I honestly didn't know why kaeya didn't live there. Perhaps he had a better place.

I saw the lights on in the flat through a window but I didn't see anyone in there. I don't know if the lights were accidentally left on so I decided to go in anyway. I unlocked the door with the key Kaeya had given me. I kept it on me just in case something bad happened this was one of those times.

I then closed the door behind me.

"Anyone home?" I called out. Then I realized I could hear water running, then I heard it turn off. Welp, it was time to go to avoid an awkward situation.

I crept over to the door trying not to be too loud but then I heard my name called. I turned to see Kaeya in a gray robe, he held his hand over where his eyepatch would usually be. I didn't even know people still wore robes like that and was that a fur trimming on it?

I gulped. "Oh- I'm sorry should've knocked I didn't think anyone was here." I timidly said getting ready to take my leave.

Kaeya walked over to me and was now only a few feet away. "You can stay, I don't mind. You can even join me in the bath if you'd like~" Kaeya smiled at me.

"Actually- I just remembered I have something to do. Thank you for the hospitality." I said then opened up the front door while still facing Kaeya.

Kaeya suddenly laughed, "I was kidding about that last part! But in all seriousness, if you need somewhere to stay you can stay here." Kaeya changed his tone nearing the end of his sentence.

"No, I really do have an errand to run. I'll leave you to it." I didn't feel like having Kaeya as a roommate I didn't really like the guy, he was nice and all but something about him was a little off-putting. I then saw Kaeya's hand shift over his eye, I caught a glimpse of it. It was a different color and honestly from what I could see that eye was beautiful.

I've asked him about his eyepatch before, I asked once when we were both younger as well and he always said he wore it because he thinks he looks better with it on. Now I know the reason, he had two different eye colors, or at least I think that's the reason.

To mess with Kaeya I tapped under my eye then pointed towards where his eyepatch usually sits on his face then I left through the front door.

Now my only option was to go back to the Lawerence's manor. It was in my possession I didn't really know what I was going to do with it. Maybe I'll throw a party there sometime.

I swear I could feel someone watching me, I felt watched earlier now it was starting to get a little weird.

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