Chapter 11

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We ended up getting dessert at a small stand close to my place. Childe reminisced about our time spent together before while I stayed quiet eating. 

"So! I don't have a place to stay tonight, can I stay at yours?" Childe asked me and I wasn't so sure about accepting that. Marvin had taken the guest bedroom and I don't know when he'd be sleeping. 

"You'd have to take the couch," I said and continued to eat expecting Childe to cave and go find an inn. 

"I would think that your house would have a guest bedroom from the size of it, does it not?" Childe turned to face me and when I looked up he stared me in the eye. "I have a roommate so it's their room." 

"Are you struggling for mora? I could-" I cut off Childe, "No I'm doing my friend a favor, Childe stop being so nosy." At this point, I could say he was starting to get annoying but after I made him see he crossed a line he started choosing his words more carefully. 

"After all this time I just got the chance to see you again. I felt lonely without you." Childe stopped for a moment and grabbed my free hand as the dessert we had was able to be eaten with one hand. 

I'm surprised that Childe hasn't caught anyone's attention. Of course, it was getting darker and darker and the only thing that was illuminating the streets was lamps but I saw people still walking around. Childe was known wherever he went for one reason or another so it was a little odd that nobody interrupted us. 

"You're everything to me, lets's not separate again okay?" Childe smiled and set down my hand. I just watched him choosing not to respond but I nodded my head. I do like Childe, it's just that our paths crossed once and I don't see them crossing again, it's just better not to get too attached to anyone in general because they could be gone in a mere second. Trust only your own heart. 

"We should get going, there are no lamps on my street it'll be pretty dark," I spoke and stood up, Childe followed after me and on the way back I saw a trash can and tossed away the remains of the dessert. 

Childe confirmed he'd stay on the couch. I looked at his person and he had nothing with him. Just his wallet which I saw him pull out earlier and his vision, probably a weapon to, knowing him.

If he went on a planned trip he'd pack, right? Maybe this journey was unplanned, I decided to ask about it. "I was wondering... Why don't you have anything with you?" I asked and looked over to him just as we arrived at my house and I opened the door and let Childe walk in first. 

Childe scratched the back of his head and let out a chuckle. "Well, I left my stuff over at the Goth hotel, and one of my coworkers kind of kicked me out because I insulted him on his height.." 

"You were kicked out because you made fun of the guy's height..." I said it and wondered about what kind of person gets that mad, I'm sure Childe joked about it, he isn't really a mean person who would demote someone because they were different, whether it be looks or wealth. 

"I'm going to go to bed then. Goodnight Childe." I was getting ready to shut the lights off when I heard Childe speak again. 

"You're just going to leave me here without even a blanket?" Oh, kind of forgot about that. 

"Give me a second." Actually now thinking about that I realized I didn't have any spare blankets. Only a change of sheets for my bed. I made an audible uh sound as I was trying to come up with a solution. 

"You don't have a blanket do you?" Childe smiled as he asked and turned his head slightly to an angle. 

I sighed, "I don't. I don't know what else-" Childe cut me off this time with an "ah-ah" 

"I can just sleep in your room, crisis averted!" Childe said happily and started walking my way. 

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