chapter 2 here but now there gone

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*winston flinched he may not like when Gabriel calls him monkey he knows when Gabriel calls him by his name is something serious*

Gabriel:meet my son

Gabriel:meet my son

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Now Gabriel pov

*I sighed looking in front of me the old overwatch headquarters now rebuild holding my son in one arm*

Gabriel:this is gonna be a long day I can just feel it..

*I mumbled to myself as I walked inside
The second the door closed all eyes was on me I ignored them as I walked foward i could hear the mumblings of the worker as I make it to the receptionist towering over her she looked at me scared*

Gabriel:I have an appointment with Winston

Mary:r..right! He's on the top floor last door to you're right c..can't miss it

*I nodded and left straight to the elevator just as the doors were about to close*

???:wait hold the doors!

*I flinched it's been 10 years but I know that voice anywhere I tried to hit the close button but she managed to get inside just in time*

*I flinched it's been 10 years but I know that voice anywhere I tried to hit the close button but she managed to get inside just in time*

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Angela:man that was a close one thanks for...

*her mood instantly changed as she saw me she went from smiling to frowning*

Angela:so winston wasn't joking when he said he recruited you...

*i could feel the venom in her tone hitting me deeply I said nothing and just pushed the button for the top we stayed in uncomfortable silence*

Gabriel"why is this elevator taking so long?"

*my son started to skirm in my arms I tried to make him stop not knowing what he wanted*

Angela:did he eat?

Gabriel:a cheeseburger and coffee

*Angela gave me the most scariest glare I've ever seen making me chuckled slightly scared*

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