chapter 22- 40,000 men and woman every day

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This is pure fluff

Few days after last chapter

*we see class A resting izuku gave them Sunday off everyone was having fun until the door slammed opened and in came aizawa stomping to his room izuku came in walking with the biggest grin on his face*

Izumi:sensei what happened?

Izuku:you guys wanna know?

*They all nod izuku smirked*

Izuku;...let me tell you all about the best meal I've ever had you see the teachers wanted to get to know me better since were gonna be working together for the foreseeable future so they take me do a restaurant called the salt and pepper dinner which is a family restaurant at the bad part of town so it means it catters to mainly to teenagers and homeless schizophrenic so we all go into the place and I swear to God God jad a retro juicebox and it was 3 plays for a dollar so me and hizashi put in 7 dollars and selected 21 plays of what's new pussycat and then we sat down and waited

Kirishima:what's the big deal about that?

Izuku:well here's the thing about what's new pussycat plays over and over and over and over and over again the second time it plays the immediate though is not of everyone on the table was, "Hey someone's playing 'What's New Pussycat' again." It's, "Hey, 'What's New Pussycat' is a lot longer than I first thought, and it has like a dip in the middle." You know how some songs have a dip, like Guns n' Roses' "November Rain?" You're like, "Hey, 'November Rain's' over!" No it's not. There's more. The third time it plays, there thinking maybe someone's playing "What's New Pussycat" again. The fourth time it plays midnight said, "Whoa. Someone just played 'What's New Pussycat' four times, or at least someone played it twice, and it's a really long song." So, the fifth time is the kicker. Now, we're watching the entire diner at this point. Most people have gotten wind as to what's going on, and we're staring at this aizawa and he's sitting in his booth and his like hand is shaking and like he's been on to us since the beginning, and he's staring at his coffee cup like this and he has this look on his face like-ah- like he just got his thirty day chip from anger management. He's staring like this, and the fourth play fades out. It's dead quiet, and then, I don't know if you know this, but the song begins very subtly: "Bwah-bwa What's New Pussycat?" and the guy goes, "God dammit" and he pounds on the table, and silverware flies everywhere and it was fantastic.

Kaminari:man that's pretty funny

Izuku:oh its gets better But a word about you're teacher president mic, and what a genius he is because, when we were first up at the jukebox and we were punching in the What's New Pussycats, alright? I'd punched in about seven, and then hizashi says to me, "Hey, hey, hey wait. Before we drop in another What's New Pussycat. Let's put in one 'It's Not Unusual.'" And that is when the afternoon went from good to great. After seven "What's New Pussycat's" in a row, suddenly, "Dum, da na, dum, da-na-na-na-na-na, It's not unusual," and the sigh of relief has swept through the diner; people were ecstatic. It was like the liberation of France. You know, for years, nezu have wondered, can you make grown men and women weep tears of joy by playing Tom Jones' "It's Not Unusual?" and the answer is yes, you can, as long as it is preceded by seven "What's New Pussycat's."

*izuku grew an evil smirk*

Izuku:And on the other hand, when we went back. Holy shit. "It's not Unusual" fades out. It's dead quiet: "Bwah-bwa What's New Pussycat?" People went fucking insane. No one could handle it. No one could handle it, and we were surrounded by like this seemingly indifferent staff, you know, that was just like, "Yep, same shit as always." My only wish is that nezu would have been there had stood up and been like, "Now you know. Now you know what it's like to live in my brain." They unplug the jukebox after eleven plays, and that was the best meal I've ever had.

*aizawa came back to the room glaring at izuku who smiled back at him as hizashi walked into the building he looked at aizawa aizawa looked back at him hizashi smirked took a deep breath*

Hizashi:Bwah-bwa What's New Pussycat?!

*aizawa screamed and tried to Chase after hizashi who was running laughin g his head off but izuku stopped him*

Izuku:aizawa calm down its just a prank you're a teacher you need to set and example to our students beside he is just doing it to get a rise out of you let it go

*aizawa took some deep breath*

Aizawa:you're're right...

*Aizawa turned around and started walking to his room*

Izuku:hey aizawa!

Aizaza:yes reyes

Izuku:Bwah-bwa What's New Pussycat?!!

*and aizawa snapped completely he ordered momo to make him a sword and she did izuku left running behind hizashi with aizawa chasing after them screaming bloody murder*

Kyoka:does are the people that are training us to be heroes...

*everyone looked back with a bit of a grim expresión*

To be continued

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