chapter 44 come on baby

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With Angela

*she and brigitte made it to the teachers room and opened the door all eyes were on her and Winston smiled but his eyes showed worry*

Winston:so hows the little girl?

Angela:eri is fine don't worry

Toshinori:if you don't mind me asking..

Brigitte:I do mind since you and you're wife told my fiance to give up OUR daughter so leave does comments to yourself you self-righteous piece of...

Angela;wow girl down let the disgrace speak he say something stupid I'll personally skin him alive

*Angela said with a cold smile sending shiver to toshinori's spine*

Toshinori:i..just wanted to ask why was little eri in the hospital and for the Keys of my bike back

Brigitte:you're Keys izuku has them as for eri we discovered she has a peanut allergy

Winston:what?!! So she can't eat peanut butter I can't thing of a more cruel hell!! I would kill myself

Sakura:while we are all glad it wasn't something more serious since she is our future right now we should watch the fight that about to start especially you overwatch since this will give me the information to decide if we should allowed you lot to train and have hero licenses in Japan

Winston:right my apologies

Angela:you guys too that I need to talk to miss yagi for a minute in private

*inko was very confused but noted and followed Angela out they walked for a bit until making it to a private empty room*

Inko:So why did you want to talk to me?

*Angela said nothing and just gave inko an envelope with a serious expression*

Angela:im showing you this because I'm also a mother and you have a right to know..

*inko was even more confused until she opened and read the files her eyes went wide*

Paper"izuku reyes and izumi yagi match for siblings DNA"

*inko puts the paper softly on a table next to her looking down with a sad smile*

Inko:So it's my suspicions are true izuku is...was..was my child..

Angela:im surprise you're taking this so well I would have thought you would have screamed or act entitled and demand that I give "you're baby back"

*inko looked surprised and gave an uncomfortable chuckled*

Inko:I'm not some insane woman who would do that

*Angela,inko and the author looked at the others izuku yagi stories -_-* much as it breaks my heart izuku is no longer my son he is you're son the most I can ever hope for is that izuku and me have a friendly relationship and that he at least sees izumi like his sister she always wanted an older brother

Angela:I see then when he was you're child how in the ever living fuck could you have left him in an abandoned orphanage?

*Angela's cold glared would have scared inko but she just looked confused*

Inko:wha..what are you talking about?

Angela:the orphanage you left izuku was abandoned it was abandoned for over 3 years what in the world were you thinking

*inko looked shocked and involuntary tears fell from her face*

Inko:i..I didn't know i..i..I thought...I swear i didn't know! I wasn't ready to be a mother but I would never...


Inko:ok so what orphanage should we..

*Toshinori took all the forms*

Toshinori:let..let me take care of it love I need to make sure they can't track where the baby came from

Inko:toshi come on I know you're scared but at the very least this baby is gonna go to the best orphanage money can buy I will not let him suffer any more then he has to just because of fear

*Toshinori got quiet for a few seconds before he talked again his voice more cold hearted*

Toshinori;fine..fine..I actually know an orphanage that will work he won't suffer at least not for long and our reputation will be save..


Inko:that bastard...that..fuckING..BASTARD!!!!

*the room began to tremble as the roof broke and everything around started surrounding inko in circles her eyes where pure white with rage*

*the room began to tremble as the roof broke and everything around started surrounding inko in circles her eyes where pure white with rage*

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Angela:what the hell calm down!


*inko quirk was going out of control Angela with no choice shoots inko with a tranquilizer tard*

Inko:what the...

*inko fell and Angela caught her and jumped out of the way as everything that was levitating fell on the ground*

Angela:by lord magneto that was close I see why she's the number 4 hero in Japan

*Angela used her powers to take the tranquilizer serum out of inko's system and slapped her a few times to wake her up*

Inko:mh..what..what happened...

Angela:well it looked like you were about to create a blackhole when you snapped care to tell me what the hell that was?!

Inko:oh I'll tell you what that was!

*inko proceded to tell Angela her Flashback making her just as angry as inko if it wasn't for garbiel baby izuku would have starved to death*

Small Timeskip

*we see inko and Angela sitting back with the other teachers both glaring at toshinori who was none the wiser the door opened and izuku appeared with eri in his arms*

Izuku:sorry I'm late the...line was long

Brigitte:it's fine you're students haven't fought yet just that shinsou kid and man was he brutal he didn't even use a quirk just beat that 1-B mantis kid senseless

Izuku:shame I missed it

Angela;no matter son did you read that envelope I gave to you a few days ago

*izuku sighed a bit sadly and sat down*

Izuku:yes I did just another thing I have to deal with after the games

Inko:I'm sorry you have to do so am so very very sorry..

*inko said softly looking down not having the stomach to looked at izuku who for his part could read between the lines and sighed and looked at the fight*

Izuku:Me too...

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