chapter 33 la la la la la

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*we see izuku driving to UA when he phone rang making him groan*

Izuku:please for the love of God just let it be a scam call..

*he picked it up*


Sombra:hay chico malo you break my heart

Izuku:what do you want sombra

Sombra:oh nothing just heard that little conversation you had with you're parents couldn't help but be insulted that you didn't tell them my involvement in you're story

Izuku:you're bored aren't you that's the only reason you're calling to annoy me

Sombra:ah ah ah I wouldn't talk back to me like that just imagine how you're parents would react if I gave them the audio of you asking me for help both times

Izuku:they'll be pissed now just imagine what would happened if you're bosses found out you helped the enemy both times?'re no fun

Izuku:so I've been told is that all

Sombra:nope I want to collect one of the favors

Izuku:what do you want

Sombra:overwatch has a file I need you're gonna get it to me

Izuku:fine next time I'm in H.Q. I'll grab it

Sombra:oh no rush no rush it's nothing major adiós chico malo~

*Sombra hanged up izuku sighed annoyed and looked in his mirror eri sleeping body*'s worth it

*izuku made it to UA and parked his car grabbing eri from the back seat waking her up*

Eri:mh...we're are we..?

Izuku:my workplace go back to sleep

*izuku walked to the teachers office opened the door and much to his dread every single teacher was there looking at him to make his luck worse eri woke up and saw everyone looking at her she started having a small panic attack holding on to izuku's shirt tighter hiding her face on izuku's chest izuku rubbed her back*

Izuku:remember what I said little girl no one will hurt you as long as I'm here ok..?

*eri nods still not moving her face from izuku's chest izuku ignored the looks and went to his desk sitting down he cracked his knuckles and started doing his paperwork*

Izuku:are you all just gonna stare or are you gonna gonna get back to work

*mic went close to him too close for his liking*


*eri started trembling scared izuku grabbed the gun under his desk and points it right on Mic's neck right where his voice box is*

Izuku:she's someone who hates loud noises now are you gonna lower you're voice or do i have to do it for you...?

*Mic started sweating and backed away*

Aizawa:sorry for my friend he's a dumbass


*now both aizawa and izuku glared at him Mic has never been so scared in his life he felt as if 2 demons were looking right at his soul*

Midnight:anyway who's the little cutie pie?

Izuku:before I tell a warning the first one to scream is getting shot

*they all nod izuku pets eri's hair to calm her down and that's when toshinori and inko opened the door*

Izuku:she's my daughter adopted her this morning


*izuku shot then both without even looking at then both fell on the ground unconscious*

Izuku;before the rest of you start screaming there my special blend of rubber bullets there fine

Nezu:what makes it special?

*nezu appeared out of nowhere but kept his distance from izuku*

Izuku:it's a secret just know there heavier then regular rubber bullets you get hit by one it hurts like a...

*izuku looked down at eri then back at his colleague's*

Izuku:it hurt alot worse then a normal bullet enough to pass out if shot at the right place

Nezu:fascinating but on to the child care to explain why a 18 year old adopted what looks like a 5 to 6 year old?

Izuku:rather not

Nezu:not giving you an option after you're paperwork come to my office

*izuku groaned but nodded nezu already left and izuku went back to work after 5 minutes he started mumbling a sea shanty*

Izuku:I'll be a man of the land I'll be man of the trees I'll be a man wherever my woman will be I won't be any captains mate I won't be Any servant of the seas cause this pretty little woman is all I need..

*eri pulled izuku's shirt he looked at her who quickly looked down shyly rubbing her stomach izuku catching what she ment he holds her in his arms and they went to the cafetería he got food for the both of them and sat down and started feeding her*


*izuku slaps his faces and slowly let's his hand fall he looked at who called him*

*Eri looked at the girl with a bit of awed being locked away she never seen someone with pink hair and skin*

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*Eri looked at the girl with a bit of awed being locked away she never seen someone with pink hair and skin*

Eri:w..who's the pink lady..?

Izuku:Mina ashido


Izuku:my greatest failure



Everyone:wait daddy?!

*izuku ignored her and covered eri's ear ahead of time*

Izuku:as I was saying daddy's job is to train her and her class in a break them then mold them to be stronger i had managed to break bakugo mineta tokoyami kyoka almost everyone in class A but..

*izuku looked at Mina who flinched and started sweating scared*

Izuku: Mina ashido is the only one I have yet to break or even come close to breaking she is still the same bubbly party girl she was when I first got here

*everyone looked at Mina surprised Mina was just as surprised as the rest looking at his sensei feeding the little girl*

Izuku: and.... in a weird way i respect her for it hell i broke when i training under the old man and I was doing the non water down version

*Mina smiled brightly feeling proud of herself izuku looked at her with bored eyes but really he was analyzing her while he cleaned eri's mouth with a handkerchief *

Izuku"guess this girl has more willpower then I give her credit...might be something to talk to Hal about on the next overwatch justice league Christmas party.."

*the rest of his class went to his table all exited wanting to ask question but unlike the adults know better then to piss him off izuku sighed*

Izuku:fine one at a time ask you're question..

To be continued

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