chapter 70 the ticket for a free POTG

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Weeks later

*Izuku yawned as he woke up early, he looked at the clock it was 6 am, he looked at the calendar and took a lazy smirk*

Izuku:today is gonna be a fun day

*Izuku said as an evil chuckle escaped his lips as today was the first term final exam and Izuku was in charged on what the victims, I mean the students will face on the exam this year. Izuku got out of bed with a stretch and went down to start breakfast, while cooking he turned on the radio*

Radio/izuku:besame.....besame mucho, como si fuera esta noche la última vez....

*Izuku felt someone hug him from behind and slowly move him back and forth*

Brigitte/radio:besame....besame mucho que tengo miedo perderte, perderte después...

*Izuku turned around and they kissed softly, Izuku raised his hands and hugged Brigitte by her neck while Brigitte hugged him by his waist as they started to dance*

Radio:Quiero tenerte muy cerca Mirarme en tus ojos Verte junto a mí Piensa que tal vez mañana Yo ya estaré lejos Muy lejos de ti

*The couple danced around slowly, izuku resting his face on Brigitte's chest as they music took them*

Radio:besame.....besame mucho, como si fuera esta noche la última vez....

*With a giggle brigitte grabbed izuku and holds him like a princess as she twirls them around,

Radio:besame....besame mucho que tengo miedo perderte, perderte después...

*Izuku smirked as he jumped out of her embrace and did a flip in the air landing perfectly behind her*

Radio:Quiero tenerte muy cerca Mirarme en tus ojos Verte junto a mí Piensa que tal vez mañana Yo ya estaré lejos Muy lejos de ti

*Izuku swept her leg and grabbed her as she was falling looking at her eyes with a mixed of determination, passion, and want. But since Eri is upstairs that want will go with nothing. Both chuckled softly as Brigitte gave him a peck on the lips before getting up*

Izuku: welcome home love how was the mission

*Brigitte sank her head on izuku's soft almost pillow like hair and took a deep sigh*

Brigitte: exhausting but it's almost over. Now it's just a matter of you finishing with that school

Izuku: UA. And after the quirk training camp you me and Eri are out of Japan and in to Paris for our wedding

Brigitte:Eri is gonna make such a cute flower girl

Izuku:agreed, go wake her up while i finish up here

Brigitte:you got it

*Izuku jumped a bit when Brigitte slapped his ass, she left laughing while izuku with a smirk shook his head blushing*

With brigitte

*Brigitte opened the door with a smile looking at Eri and her girls room seeing a few drawing of there family taped on the walls. She walked up to her bed and sat down softly, she moved Eri a little*

Brigitte:honey it's time to wake up....


*Eri stirred awake, she rubbed her eyes and looked at who woke her. Her eyes quickly went wide seeing her mother there smiling at her*


*Eri said happy as she jumped and hugged her mother, Brigitte for her part caught her and kissed her little horn happy to finally be back home with her fiance and daughter. And to be away from tracer who can only talk about her girlfriend*

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