chapter 46 and she ran to him

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In the arena

Midnight:now tetsutetsu are you ready?!

Tetsutetsu:bring it on!!

*Tetsutetsu pumped his fist to the air making the crowed cheer midnight looked at kirishima who still had a stoic face ok his just moving his neck from one side to another*

Midnight:ejiro kirishima are you ready?!

*Kirishima just nods as midnight lifts her hand in the air*


*tetsutetsu went running with his fist pulled back already his skin change from flesh to steel and he punched kirishima straight in the head but kirishima didn't move everyone got quiet all that could be heard was the dripping of blood coming from kirishima's nose*

Kirishima:is that it..?


Kirishima;you trained with all might and that's the best you can punch? How unmanly let me show you a real manly punch

*Before tetsutetsu could react kirishima punched him in the gut so hard it made tetsutetsu spit out blood and send him back a few steps*

With the teachers

Nezu:Did you teach him Muay Thai?

Izuku:not i gave him a even better art Myanmar lethwei or for the uncultured Burmese bare knuckle boxing

Back to the fight

*Kirishima kicked tetsutetsu in the gut before hitting him in the face tetsutetsu face fell as kirishima gave him another punch sending his face back up then another punch in the gut, kirishima kicked him in the ribs before giving him an upper cut, he gave tetsutetsu another hit on the gut then two in the face and again at the gut this went on repeat over and over with tetsutetsu not being able to defend himself even with his quirk he could feel the pain of the punches until tetsutetsu got lucky and punched kirishima in the face sending him back tetsutetsu tried to give another but kirishima dodged it and kicked tetsutetsu in the ribs before jumping and slamming his elbow on tetsutetsu's head Tetsutetsu failed to get another hit as kirishima kicked him in the head blood fell from tetsutetsu's mouth and in the amount of time it took for the blood to reach the floor kirishima kicked Tetsutetsu 5 times, 1 in the head,1 in his neck,1 in his ribs and 1 in his knees forcing Tetsutetsu to kneel down as kirishima slammed his knee on tetsutetsu face but Tetsutetsu dodged it before getting up faster then kirishima expected and slammed a metal infused karate chop to kirishima's spine causing kirishima to black out for a minute just enough time for Tetsutetsu using his full strength he pulled back his punched and threw it at kirishima sending him flying* more playing around!

*Tetsutetsu said breathing heavily threw bloody teeth*

With the teachers

Nezu:fascinating what type of training did you give the boy it looks like he's actually hurting tetsutetsu even though his skin is metal

Izuku:normally the body can't wistand a series of punches however after a series of repeated bone fractures the bones hardness is elevated to endure abnormal conditions

Sakura:so you're saying

Izuku: my student has the skin of rock and the bones of steal

Toshinori:while i commend kirishima for making Tetsutetsu get serious this match is over you're not the only one who trained Reyes

*Izuku said nothing and kept looking at the fight*

Back to the fight

Midnight:kirishima can you continue?!

*Kirishima got up as Tetsutetsu kneeled down in pain*

Kirishima:i can but this unmanly boy can't

*Midnight looked to see what he meant and paled a little Tetsutetsu hand his fingers where all broken unattached to the palm*

Kirishima:call the match

Tetsutetsu:like hell!!

*Tetsutetsu touched his fingers then winced instantly in pain but he pulled threw and reattached his fingers back to normal screaming as he did it one by one until he was done he was breathing heavily getting up the sense to puke was big but he just looked at kirishima determined and got into fighting position kirishima sighed*

Kirishima:this would be over if I could use my quirk how annoying is that how i used to act?

*Kirishima asked himself as he ran to Tetsutetsu dodged a punched and kicked Tetsutetsu in the knee sending him to kneel kirishima took a step back before frowning Tetsutetsu was still getting up*

Kirishima:just stay down!!

*Kirishima rushed Tetsutetsu and proceeded to unleash a series a punched and kicked even faster then before until he kicked Tetsutetsu one last time with his speed boost to the face everyone heard a crack and where shocked to see kirishima managed to break Tetsutetsu quirk he still had it on but his face looked like cracked glass*

Kirishima: you're not gonna win my new fighting style sacrifices all defenses and allows me to go completely on the offensive with speed you can't dodge face it Tetsutetsu you've been out manl...

*Kirishima walked a few steps back instantly bleeding coming down blinding his left eye kirishima looked with his good eye and was shocked at what he saw*

*Kirishima walked a few steps back instantly bleeding coming down blinding his left eye kirishima looked with his good eye and was shocked at what he saw*

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Tetsutetsu:like i said I'm done playing around..

With the teachers

*Everyone minus toshinori was taken off guard*

Izuku:what the hell just happened?!

*Izuku said up from his seat Toshinori gave a smug chuckled*

Toshinori:like i said you're not the only one who trained Reyes

Sakura:all might explain

Toshinori:what you see down there is my work with Tetsutetsu his ultimate form his whole body becomes not metallic but..

Brigitte:nanobatic... He reached the next phase of his quirk you we're able to evolve his quirk to where his whole body becomes nanobots

Toshinori:yes like i said this match is over

Sakura: Mr. Reyes would you like to tell kirishima to use his quirk?

*Izuku thought about if for a few seconds before sitting down kneeling holding his hands in a thinking position* kirishima can still win this match just the way he is..

toshinori:ah hubris it's a bitter pill to swallow Reyes

*Izuku grabbed his hands harder looking at the fight more seriously*

To be continued

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