chapter 13 la la la la la

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Izuku:I'll tell it OK girls story time this is the story of how a small man found a huge love

Now the thrilling conclusión

*Before izuku could tell his story the door slammed opened revealing inko yagi*

*Before izuku could tell his story the door slammed opened revealing inko yagi*

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*inko ran to her daughter and niece hugging them both hard*

Inko:are you guys OK? Tell me you're ok..

Izumi:we're fine

Momo:were OK..

*inko let them both go softly putting a hand on both girl cheek*

Inko:oh good...

*Inko grabbed them by the ear and pulled it*

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*Inko grabbed them by the ear and pulled it*

Inko:then what were you knuckleheads thinking?!

*Mina snorts but feels an evil looming behind her she pales knowing who it was she turned around trembling and there he was aizawa sensei looking pissed*

Shota:before I start screaming who's idea was it?

Mina:m..mine sensei..

Shota:you are so grounded once we get back to the dorms

Izuku:don't you mean suspended?

Shota:I know what I said

Toru:yeah yeah everyone fine and mina getting in trouble again now please tell us the story reaper San!

Inko:story what story? Wait reaper? Where I don't see him

Izuku:yo izuku reyes second generation reaper pleasure to see you again miss yagi

*inko took a good look at reaper without his suit izuku still with bedhead and wearing shorts and a sleeveless shirt aka his PJ*

*inko took a good look at reaper without his suit izuku still with bedhead and wearing shorts and a sleeveless shirt aka his PJ*

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