chapter 15 Valentine is done

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*we see class A on the plane ready to leave izuku being the only one left we see him outside the plane saying goodbye to his family*

Izuku:I guess I'll see you guys in December

Lucio:goodluck man give them hell

Izuku:oh trust me I will I'll give them a water down versión of the training my old man gave us so they don't die

Hana:still can't believe we made it out of that

Gabriel:but you did now you're all class A héroes izuku never forget

Izuku:teamwork is everything

*Gabriel ruffled his son head smiling at him Angela gave her son a big hug and a kiss on the cheek*

Angela:good luck my baby boy better not hear anything of you smoking you hear?

*izuku chuckled before Aleksandra slapped his back laughing*

Alek:that goes doble from me my friend or I crushed you again

Izuku:pretty sure you're gonna crush that izumi girl

Alek:what? Why would I crush that gorgeous girl?

Tracer:don't worry love I'll explain what he ment

Izuku:do it after I'm gone so she doesn't crush me from embarrassment

*izuku walked up to Brigitte*

Izuku:I'll call you when I get to my new house

Brigitte:you mean our new house I'm gonna be visiting alot don't you worry about that

Izuku:heh wouldn't have it any other way

*izuku leaned up and Brigitte leaned down and they kissed*

Izuku:see you soon min kärlek (my love)

*izuku walked inside the plane and sat down next to izumi with his arm crossed and they were off*

Kaminari:how long till we get back to UA?

Izuku:8 hours get comfy

*izuku closed his eyes and took a nap at the same time izumi did the same resting her head on izuku's shoulder*

Tsuyu:they really look like siblings now kero

*inko flinched at that comment and looked at izuku and izumi she feels a small bit of fear in her heart*

Inko"no it can't be him that's impossible.."

Iida:this is completely unacceptable she should not be sleeping on our new sensei shoulder like that

Kaminari:dude give it a rest if sensei doesn't care why should you?

Mina:besides they look so cute!

Toru:I know let's take pictures!

Izuku:do it and I break you're phones..

*they flinched as izuku opened his eyes*

Tsuyu:I thought you we're gonna take a nap kero

Izuku:in overwatch they train you to be a light sleeper now just play with you're phones or something and let us sleep in peace

Inko:if you don't mind ummm I'm sorry what am I supposed to call you?

Izuku:off duty izuku if you're a student reaper if you're a colleague reyes

Inko:alright izuku I'm sorry if this seems rude you don't look nothing like you're parents

Izuku:im adopted let's just leave it at that if I trust you more I'll tell you more anything else?

Iida:I am Tenya iida brother of pro hero...

Izuku:didn't ask for a life story ask a question or stay quiet

Iida:r..right my apologies I would like to know where you stand on the hero ranks?

Izuku:depends in Japan nothing overwatch doesn't have a base here since the hero association believe overwatch isn't needed here since you all have the great all might on you're side if we're talking international I'm rank number 55 my teams are all rank around the same while all might is around 150-180 somewhere around that line

Koda:you're rank higher then all might?

Izuku:internationally yes

Bakugo;that's bullshit no way you're stronger then him!! He's the only person stronger then me!!

Izuku:first of all lower you're voice second if that true then Japan is doomed thirdly I never said I was stronger then him just that I'm ranked higher if we went on a pure fist fight I would lose granted i would be able to hold my own but still lose

Kaminari:then why are you higher internationally?

Izuku:simple power isn't everything yes power wise I'm weaker then all might but if done more missions then him I have more experience even if he's twice my age I've seen more then him can anyone tell me why?

Mineta:....because all might stayed in Japan?

*izuku looked at mineta making him flinched scared but izuku smiled at him*

Izuku:correct all might only saves people in Japan while me and everyone in overwatch save people around the world making making us have a higher rank not to mention Japan is one of the few places we're héroes don't kill

Kyoka:wait what...

Izuku;oh don't get me wrong it's frowned upon in most places in the world but it does happened overwatch is the only agency that regularly kills off rank A to triple S type villains the only exception at least for me is that I kill pedophiles and rapist even if there only ranked C type villains the survivers love me more for it

Iida:but..but..but héroes should not kill!

Izuku;now now I'm sure we can't talk like civilized peoples and I'll be more then happy to discuss heroic philosophy with you but now is not the time or the place any other questions?

Kirishima:who's the strongest in the world?

Izuku; my opinion is the Tibetan monk aang otherwise knowned as the avatar or Sun Wukong the mokey king I'm China does 2 are the strongest in the world both being rank as triple S level héroes while all might power wise right now is only double s to give you all an idea of how powerful they are

*the students paled even some of the heroes paled thinking of that while bakugo made a fist he was furious thinking about that izuku took the opportunity to close his eyes and sleep the rest of the way*

To be continued

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