chapter 73

698 13 0

Warning wrote this at like 3 in the morning half asleep so It might get chatty

Last time

With Koda

*Koda ignored of the pain of his body changing as he grabbed toshinori from the air and slammed him to the ground creating a huge crater when both of them landed, when the smoke cleared toshinori saw just what the hell attacked him*

*Koda ignored of the pain of his body changing as he grabbed toshinori from the air and slammed him to the ground creating a huge crater when both of them landed, when the smoke cleared toshinori saw just what the hell attacked him*

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*Koda was kicked in the face by Mt. Lady sending him back, toshinori got up ready to jump to the plane again but a bullet grazing his cheek stopped him from moving as izuku landed close to him already in full reaper costume pointing his guns at him*

Izuku:you know deep down well not that deep down but still deep enough, I always wish we would end up like this. So come on daddy dearest finish the job you started since I'm not letting you leave unless you kill me, I'll protect my.....

*Izuku did a spit take as toshinori without hesitation punched izuku in the gut while he was busy monologuing, izuku crash lands on a car denting it*

Izuku:students with my life if I have to

*Izuku breaths out as he stumbled back on his feet but toshinori didn't let up as he grabbed izuku by his mask with enough pressure to crack it as he lifted izuku in to the air*

Toshinori:you really overestimated how much I actually care for you, I was just waiting for an excu...

*Toshinori ears started to ring as izuku shot his 20-gauge caliber shotguns right next to toshinori's ear making him see double as his ears bleed. Toshinori let izuku go and covered his ears in pain, one izuku was on the ground he shot toshinori in the gut and then izuku remembered a conversation from long ago*

Past izuku "first of all lower you're voice second if that true then Japan is doomed thirdly I never said I was stronger then him just that I'm ranked higher if we went on a pure fist fight I would lose granted i would be able to hold my own but still lose"

*Sadly for present izuku, past him was correct, toshinori didn't even flinch when the shotgun pellets made contact with his stomach, there's a reason his hero name is a short term phrase for almighty. Izuku ran to get some distance from the unstoppable monster, if it was Koda against all might it would be more of a fair fight but Koda was currently busy bitting Mt. Lady arm off while hawks was throwing his little feathers at his face, so izuku had to do without. Izuku ran inside a building and started climbing up, he could hear toshinori being close enough that izuku could feel the breath of his father on the hair on the back of his neck. Izuku made it to the roof and closed the door putting a chair over it as if that would do anything and just took some deep breaths*

Izuku:ok ok ok so I'm up against someone who's A double ass, I pissed him off over the edge this time, heh. And I'm just an A rank overall...not my brightest day but I've been through worse

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