chapter 17 Romeo and Juliet

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*both of them laughed as they went there separate ways nezu went back to his office and izuku walked to class A dorms smirking snapping his fingers nezu still not fully knowing the demon he brought to his school*


*izuku kicked opened the door of class A  everyone looked at him*

Izuku:alright everyone line up now!!

*They did as they said izuku noticed 2 people were missing*

Izuku:I told you all to stay here where are yagi and bakugo?

Momo:bakugo said and I quote "I don't give a damn what that extra said" and took izumi with him

*Iida stepped up and bowed*

Iida:I greatly apologize for my classmate behavior sensei!

Izuku:are you the class president? that would be me sir

Izuku:then you're a disappointment

*momo flinched shoto and kyoka glared at him with kyoka being the outspoken one*

Kyoka:hey you can call her that!

Izuku:I can and I did she has no leadership skills a real leader takes charge and responsibility for the actions of there squad or in your case class and yet you let not 1 but 2 people leave tell me did you even attempt to stopped them?

*Momo looked down ashamed* that was Iida

Izuku:did you tell him to stop them?


Izuku:then Iida

Iida:yes sir?

Izuku:congratulations you got some leadership skills that are underrated in you're class

*Iida bowed to izuku even deeper then last time*

Iida:thank you for the compliment sensei I always make a point to follow the rules!

Izuku:as you should we're héroes part of our jobs is to enforce the rules everyone here should take a page out of Iida behavior you all could learn a thing or two

*iida smiled feeling proud of himself and happy that someone finally gave him credit for following the rules and not just tell him to "shut up" or "take it easy" even his family would ignore or tell him to shut up*

Izuku:now who here is the closest to Mr.bakugo apart from his girlfriend?

Kirishima:that would be me we're totally bros!

Izuku;then grab you're bro and drag him here you have my permission to use force if necessary but with what I've seen of bakugo's temper I've seen so far it will be

Kirishima:yes sensei!

*Kirishima left after a few minutes later they heard bakugo's yelling and the sound of his quirk bakugo came back yelling*

Izuku"he screams like a no good dog that's not true that's an insult to dogs everywhere"

*the 3 came back with izumi looking down hiding part of her face with her hair rubbing her arm while kirishima was holding him by his wrist using his hardening quirk to not get hurt by bakugo*

Bakugo:WHY AM I HERE?!!

Izuku:you are here to hear my commands I'm you're new self defense/quirkless fighting sensei so i demand respect or I'll show you why you should fear me

Kaminari:don't you mean respect me?



*5 shots that's how fast izuku shot bakugo before anyone could tell what happened 2 in his should one in his head and one in his groin making him fall down in pain*

Izuku:anyone else has a problem listening to me?

*no one said anything*

Izuku:good now I saw the videos of what happened before me and my team made it to USJ and I have to say you all just suck raise you're hand if you know at least some form of martial arts?

*only 1 student raised his head making izuku groan rubbing his eyes*

Izuku:pathetic absolutely pathetic starting tomorrow I'm putting you all through the same workout regimen they give in overwatch only a water down versión so you don't all die

*the kids paled thinking how could it get worse*

Izuku:also say thank you you to bakugo and yagi for disobeying my order none of you are getting breakfast tomorrow so you'll do the exercises on a empty stomach

*everyone looked at him shock hopping he was joking but they saw he was not they glared at bakugo some at izumi too but at least she looked guilty looking down rubbing her arm*

Izuku:now it's getting late if I were you I eat before going to bed early you're gonna need the energy Minoru Mineta,Koji Koda and toru hagakure you 3 stay behind I need a word with you 3 but first I need to make a call excuse me

*izuku went outside grabbing his phone and calling an old friend*


Izuku:hey lluvia is izuku how are you? How's the family?

Lluvia:oh izuku Sama! Hello! Lluvia is doing fine my family is doing great Natsu is playing with our daughter as Lluvia speaks to you

Izuku:aw little Natsumi I remember when she could fit in the palm of my hand she must be so big now hopefully she has you're personality instead of...

*izuku heard something breaking on the other end*

Lluvia:Lluvia believes that sound answered you're question?

Izuku:oh you poor woman I wish you luck

Lluvia:thank you izuku Sama but I don't need it I'm perfectly happy with my family I will never thank you enough for making see how toxic..gray was

Izuku;don't mention it anyway I need to collect a favor how fast can you make it to Japan?

Lluvia:izuku Sama is in luck Lluvia and Lluvia's family is on vacation in Japan!

Izuku:you don't say? Too bad Brigitte is not with me she would love to see you again

Lluvia:too bad Lluvia would have loved to see her again

Izuku:you will at the very least at my wedding maid of honor


izuku:....did...did Brigitte not tell you?

Lluvia:no Brigitte texted me she wanted to talk Lluvia guesses she now knows what's it about

*izuku legs started giving up on him out of fear of his future wife for ruining her surprise*

Izuku:ll..Lluvia please...please don't tell her I told you

*Lluvia giggled*

Lluvia:don't worry izuku Sama it will be our little secret

Izuku:thanks I'll text you the time and location you have to be in a few minutes I need to talk to 3 of my students


Izuku:you remember the anime naruto?

Lluvia:of course although lluvia favorite of the big 3 was always bleach and I always shipped ichigo with orehime

Izuku:heh same but anyway remember what I always wanted copy from that series?

*it was quiet before Lluvia started laughing*

Lluvia:I wish you luck then oh great 3rd hokage

*izuku smirked before hanging up and going back inside we're everyone but the 3 left*

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