Chapter Twenty Nine: Mahem in the Mist

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Sia P. O. V:

I covered Kevin in a pile of leaves and told myself I'd come back for him, and bury him. I wiped my tears, and took a deep breath before walking back to the battle field. Hopefully by now Max has found Jordayne.

My boots trudge through mud following the footsteps I made whilst carrying Kevin. The best way to get over it is to not think about it. Perhaps I should try that, just for a bit.

I remembered that I should be looking for Max and if Jordayne is with him we could end this battle.

I see light shining through branches making a orange color. I smell smoke and know it's best to leave now, even if Kevin is here.

By now the Rouges are slowly moving further and further towards the pack house. More and more of our wolves have died.

"Max!" I call out, I probably don't need to shout his ears would hear me talk. There's no response for a few moments but then I feel his presence next to me. He forms into a human like evolution happened all at once and gives me sorry look.

"What? Did you find her?"

"Yes." He pauses for a second, swallowing "She died in my arms, there was nothing I could do. "

"Oh my god." I clasp my hand over my mouth and close my eyes.

At least they will be with each other.

I breathe in and think about the time I first met her in the hospital after she attempted suicide. I think about the times I got to know her and we eventually became friends. And the last time I saw her, she told me she was pregnant.

I breathe out, remembering it's best to get over things by not thinking about them, and I decided not to tell Max about Kevin now, I'll tell him when he's emotionally ready.

"Okay," I say under my breathe "We need to start moving can you estimate the amount of wolves we have left?"

The thing about being in a pack is you always feel someone die, you don't know who but you always feel the death of a member.

"I know over 200 have died today, we came here with 900."

"Wholy shit"

"Let's not think about it, gather the Drea's you can do something together, you are all very unique together."

"Okay, you coming?" I ask him tying up my hair more.

"I'm going to find Oliver." His green eyes scan me. "I love you be safe."

I open my mouth to say I love you too but he is already gone. Wolves are fast.


"Sia!" I hear many familiar voices. I used my power to look into where they would all be next, and it turns out it was together.

"Hi guys, I'm sorry for leaving, Quin is gone, my friends have died it's all hard to take in but I think we can end this together." I make it fast so questions can't be asked.

"I'm glad to see you are back my dear, " Elenour rubs my shoulder gently with her delicate hands.

"I think you should conjure up a storm." I tell Elenour, "We could make it foggy so they can't see, and then I could tell you where they all are and Anabelle could kill them all."

They all pause taking it in.

"We've lost over 200 wolves today, enough is enough."

They still all look at me strangely like I am not even speaking their language.

"What are you all looking at?"

"You make a lot of plans, Sia. They're not always the best" Penny speaks up. I refrain myself from saying something along the lines of Yeah, you're parents had plans too and then you came along and that wasn't the best either but i thought it would be best to suppress my humor.

"Look, will one simple little tiny plan affect the outcome of this war that is being minimized by the second? We just need to be quick, people are dying, unless you can think of another plan yourself." I think I may have come on too strongly, like I was being spiteful and mean with the tone of my voice because Elenour broke in like a fight was about to start.

"Alright, you two. That's enough," And although there wasn't even an argument to begin with she made her little annual speech. "You two are Drea's, practically sisters because of that. Out of all of the Luna's there have ever been Artemis chose you, from birth. She wouldn't choose anybody, she chose you both. And although Sia's plans haven't always been kind to us, there's no reason to stop her because of that, this might just be our only hope."

I look up with my head held high, into her grey eyes and her frail skin, "So you'll do this?"

"Of course, everyone can help as much as possible, but Nicole dear," Elenour looks around, looking for Nicole's blond head to pop up.

"Yeah I'm here." She tucks her locks behind her hair and her pale eyes flash with alert.

"While this is all happening, can I get you to clean up the forrest, just move it around a bit, dispose of the tree's that have been burnt down and cool down the one's that are burning, could you do that?"

"That's a lovely idea." Nicole says, rubbing her hands together. I know that the job she's been given would be a hard one, moving heavy things with powers is different to actually lifting them, you can feel the pain in your head, and it hurts more. "I'll do it of course."

"Good." Elenour says, "Let's end this war."

Elenour raised her palms and a tension in the air began to swirl, I watched as her eyes rolled back and they were a glowing grey colour as she started lifting up into the air. Her arms flung back and a strong gust of wind hit us all. Things began to swirl into gusts of grey and clouds of mist, I hurried grabbing the nearest wolf from my pack next to me.

"Luna.." He whispered softly.

"You must be very quiet, something is about to happen and I want you use that mind link of yours to everyone in the pack, tell them to stop fighting for a moment and to come out of this mist while they can."

He nodds his head and closes his eyes and when he opens them again I assume everyone has been told.

"Thank you," I whisper walking off into the mist. It begins to get thicker and I hope the pack members are gone. I concentrate on where the Rouge's are and I map them out in my mind.

Anabelle was following me when I looked back, "Can you mass kill?" I asked her.

"Only a certain amount... it will take about 6 attempts to kill them all."

"That will be enough time, ill concentrate on where they are, connect to my power and use yours, okay?"


Anabelle and I disappeared into the mist.

I couldn't feel any nore Rouge's around us, and the fog started to clear. As the air became transparent again I looked over to the forest that Nicole has cleaned and it looks the same just a little empty.

"We did it?!" I heard familiar voice shout. Zach came sprinting on to the field. He grabbed me and Annabelle like we were dolls, and kissed our fore heads.
(Authors Note: lmao the anabelle doll thing wasn't intentional)

"Geniuses!" He hugged us tightly and started skipping along the grass. "We did it! " Zach roared into the sky with the biggest smile on his face.

Cheer soon followed after as a crowd of Zach and Max's pack rushed to celebrate. "It's over!" I hear them cheer. "We won!" Everyone is in a complete trance of happiness.

I stand back to see if I can find Max, but he's already found me. I looked at him blankly and he does the same at me.

"Fuck it." Max says reaching out to me and kissing me.

That was the day I made out with Max.


book is almost finished guys but I hope you'll move on to my next book after this.


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