Chapter Eleven: Dusk *PART TWO*

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Have faith in me! This is a small phone and I have chubby fingers fair amount of swearing!


I have always been able to contain my emotions, so when I see people loose control of it - It confuses me.

I felt weak.

And I hate feeling weak. My strength had been drained, I felt a sense of venerability. Despite the fact Max was by my side it didn't really feel like it as I watched him break a little.

The worst fight you can have is not with your partner, or your family, but your best friend. And believe me, it hurts. 

After Max explained to Oliver what happened only questions and anger overflowed him. 

"Why didn't you tell me about this 'Dream'?"

"I didn't think it was that important to broadcast"

"So Claire being fucking abducted in a forest isn't important to you?"

"Of course it is! It was just a stupid dream! I didn't think it would come true!"

"You're so fucking dumb, You know that?"


"That's why Sia never liked you. Because you fucking kidnapped her."


"So fucking stupid."


"Not surprised she hasn't guessed your dyslexic yet!"

Ouch. I could see Max flinch a little, in verbal pain. It hurt me to see him hurt. I didn't know that he was Dyslexic, and there is nothing wrong with it. He's still mine.

"She's probably too fucking stupid to see how fucking stupid you are."

That didn't hurt me at all, Oliver was upset and he needed to direct his emotions towards something. I know I'm smart, and being smart enough to know you're smart is a good mental weapon to have. Obviously Max begged to differ.

His muscles became tense and you could feel his anger. It was tight and ready to burst. A shift of colour came with it too, his eyes turned the colour they were when I first meet him. A targeted, firm green.

"Oh is Dusk out?" Oliver pouts, antagonizing Max who is snarling at the slightest. "The big bad wolf, oh I'm so scared!" He now pretends to be a pathetic excuse for an actor by using gestures and bad facials.

Max does something I wouldn't expect him to do, raising his hand quickly he takes a swing for Oliver's jaw. Oliver takes this as a chance to fight and they do, knuckles to knees they abuse each other.

"Stop it!" I yell at them at least five times. Max begins to choke the air out of his so called best friend. "Max!" I scream. Oliver head buts him and Max's noes begins to bleed with the impact it accidentally got hit with.

By now, I regain enough strength to rush over and try my best to separate them. "Max get off of him!" I scream into his ear, while trying to free Oliver. I brace myself one more time, "Max Please!" and as my plead is drowned into their grunts I take this moment and slap him like a whip, hoping it will knock sense into him.

To my disbelief it goes quiet for a total of three seconds, Oliver freezes in what looks like shock, his bright checks slowly turning pale. I can't read Max's emotion. Slapping him directed his face to turn with it. Max snatches my wrist and pins it above my head against a tree, all I'm a supersonic moment.

"You don't fucking slap me!" He yells at me. Hot breathe and spit coming into contact with my face. "You hear me?!"

Flinching, I look away from him. Something's not right, he's never been this aggressive towards me, he's not being himself.

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