Chapter Thirty Seven : Strawberry Milkshakes and News

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After filling the jeep boot with baby clothes I found myself trying to think of a way to tell everyone. I think we should tell Oliver and Claire first, they're closes friend of and I'd like them to be the godparents. I know that Max will be dying to tell everyone, especially his father.

My parents will probably freak out, I'm only 19, but after the whole talk I'm sure they'll be ecstatic to meet the three new additions to the family. I want to go home now, I don't like being here while I'm expecting babies, it doesn't feel as homely as it should. Max and I have agreed we will leave in the morning, which he can't wait to do.

"Chocolate milkshake, please." I tell the waitress that hovers over the table that Max and I sit behind. We called Claire and Oliver to this little cafe over 10 minutes ago, they should be here any minute.

"One Iced coffee and a large strawberry milkshake, two straws." I assume Max orders the strawberry shake for Ollie and Claire, and that waitress nods retreating to the counter.

I breathe out heavily looking straight at Max, I love him. He's such a supportive person and he's so happy with our news. Despite the fact I'm young, I don't regret meeting him or getting pregnant.

"There they are." Max points behind me and I hear the chime ding which means there's people walking in. Deep breaths.

"Sia! Max!" Claire cheers and her blond hair is tucked into a tight bun, she wears denim overalls with a long white shirt beneath. Oliver on the other hand has his hair stuck upright with a white button up shirt and blue jeans.

"Hey guys!" I smile widely moving to make room for Claire and Oliver around the table.

"Did you order yet?" Oliver asks, always thinking with his stomach.

"Yes, one strawberry milkshake." Max replies placing the menu down, Oliver winks at him with a thank you. We talk amongst ourselves for a little while,waiting for our drinks and catching up. Claire tells me all about how her and Oliver saw us drive off fairly early this morning and how Cleo and Cale tried to chase after us on their tricycles. We begin to laugh with each other and it feels like time is going by so slow, I just want to tell her and get it over and done with. I just don't know how she'll react, but of course at the end of the day I know she'll be supportive, because I know that she'll be just like Max and more excited than myself.

I should be more excited than this, I shouldn't be more scared then happy, that's not going to help anyone, I need to look at this positively and maybe even have a little fun for the next four months.

"Your drinks.." The waitress from before smiles at us all, revealing her blue braces. She places a chocolate milkshake in front of me, Iced coffee in front of Max and the strawberry milkshake with two straws in front of the ginger and the blond. "Thank you!" I tell her and Max tips her $10 and tells her to have a good day, he's so lovely. I rest my head on his shoulder as he drinks his coffee and he strokes my hair once before clearing his throat.

"So guy's..." He begins, and my head shoots up right, I know he's at the beginning of telling them, and we can't hide the news any longer. But I'm actually pretty happy to announce the news now, Claire and Oliver will be the best uncle and aunt in town, they'll probably give our triplets little cousins with bright ginger hair as well.

"Mhm?" Oliver murmurs whilst drinking the strawberry milkshake, it's almost half gone when Claire hits him in the chest. "Hey! Save some for me!" She takes the drinking leaving his straw out of the glass and starts drinking it herself with a 'how dare you' look on her face. I giggle because Oliver looks so bummed that he's lost his drink.

"Well anyway, we didn't call you hear for nothing, we've actually got some news..." Max smiles at the last word looking over to me and almost immediately Claire places the strawberry milkshake down with her elbows on the table inching towards us closer every second. "What's the goss..." She rolls her lips while Oliver leans back stretching. "You're not engaged are you?"

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