Chapter Thirty Three : Ciblings.

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"Will you two hurry up already?" Claire shouts at our boyfriends leaning against Max's Jeep.

"Oh shut up, it's not like you don't take forever to get dressed" Oliver groans at her.

It has been months since Claire and I have talked to or even seen  our parents, we're lucky they haven't filed us as missing persons. Claire and I decided we'd drive back home to apologize for our absence and pay our parents a visit, but with Max and Oliver.

"I'm really worried they're going to be disappointed in us, Si. We haven't called in months" Claire rolls her lips and looks uneasy, I don't blame her.

"Well, maybe bringing along these two will help?"

"Yeah, maybe. " She sighs as Oliver and Max bust through the house door and stumble their way to the driveway.

Max's hair is slicked back and he's wearing a tight white shirt with track pants and nikes. "Wow way to look athletic" I laugh at him. He looks like he's ready for a triathlon. Max gives me a small glare, putting on his grey hoodie that was wrapped around his waist, and hiding his shirt.

Oliver on the other hand is wearing an orange button up to match his hair and jeans with converse.

"You look like my little brother," Claire laughs.

"Oh my god," I laugh with her "He so looks like Carter" Carter is Claire's 13 year old brother, he's dresses very half classy half casual, and his hair is blond like Claire's. Carter is very extroverted and funny, very loud and... hard to describe. 

"Oh shut up you two" Max rolls his eyes at us, "It's okay Ollie you look beautiful" Max pats Oliver's shoulder, comforting him on his tragic shirt.

"Whatever you two just get in the damn car"

I clicked the car key button and the lights flashed yellow, and the car doors clicked open. Max and Oliver threw their bags on top of ours in the boot as Claire and I get into the car and put our seat belts on.

"Hurry up.." Claire whispers looking into the rear view mirror and their ears twitch.

"We can hear you!" Oliver shouts.

"Werewolf ears!" Max joins in.

I roll my eyes over to Claire and we groan together, they're taking forever.


2 hours in and 4 stops at Burger King have got us almost there. The boys have bought 3 large burger combos each, the eat like animals.

"Hey Oliver?" I ask glancing into my mirror to see him looking out the window. Max looks up into the mirror and smiles at me as he does and so does Oliver.

"Yes?" He questions looking at me in a cheesy way, his light brown eyes seem so alive and vibrant.

"Can you drive for now? Claire will give you directions" I ask feeling tired, and in need if Max.

"I suppose.."

I pull over to the side of the road and we unclick our seat belts and switch seats. So far we're in a little town an half an hour away from my home.

"Ahh," I say feeling relieved, i rest my head on Max's shoulder. He strokes my hair and kisses my head. I close my eyes for a moment and he holds my hand tightly.

"You ok?" He asks quietly.

"I'm good." I tell him sitting up and putting my seat belt on. If anything, I'm nervous but I feel fine. I haven't seen my parents in months, the contact I've had with them is sad.

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