Chapter Thirty Five: Elf Ears

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After watching teen wolf I've gathered motivation to write this
Sia P.O.V:

I woke up in the feeling of my own bed, for once. For months I've been in Max's bed, but today it was mine. Rolling over I secured myself into Max's arms, laying my head agaimst his chest. Down stairs I could hear my parents, It was so good to see them again, it felt so relieving and comfortable. It made me feel safe around them.

"Morning," Max kisses my forehead. I must have woken him up when I rolled on to him.

"Morning Maxy," I whisper, knowing that he'll hear me because he hears everything. He wraps his giant arms around me and my stomach swirls with butterflies.

"How are you?" He asks, and my stomach still swirls with butterflies.

"I'm fine." I tell him the butterflies never stop.

"Are you sure?" He asks in a serious tone, sensing something off from me. My stomach keeps swirling, and stiring the butterflies feel more like frogs jumping up and down.

"Nope," I get up covering my mouth feeling as if I'm about to puke. I rush to the bathroom, lock the door, and throw up into the toilet. My throat burns as acid passes through into my mouth.

"Sia? What's wrong? Open the door." Max knocks on the door.

"Nothing I think I've just-" I gag into the toilet bowl "J-just got a stomach bug or something" I feel my insides push up and out through my mouth.

"No, we're leaving today. You need to see the doctor."

"Max you can't just take me away because I'm sick" I tell him seriously. What ever is going on in his doggy brain needs to stop. I wipe my mouth feeling like I don't need to throw up for now. I stand up and rinse my hands, and look into the mirror.

I look like shit.

I feel like shit.

My hair is a hot mess and I have heavy bags under my eyes. I look pale and drousy. "Open the door?" Max asks. I take one more look at myself, and wipe my face with a flannel before opening the door for Max.

Immediately he rushes in and places his hand on my forehead. "You're temperature is fine.." He concludes and gently holds his thumb on my neck, "You're pulse is a little high" He continues to try and determine my health but I snack his hands away.

"Max stop it." Its all very lovely that he is concerned for me but he needs to understand that the world doesn't revolve around me.

"Sia, in my mind the world revolves around you and somethings not right, I'd prefer if we went back home." Did he just read my mind? I feel so betrayed.

"Look, if I'm feeling better after breakfast, then drop it. If I'm not then we can go to a local doctor, okay?" He looks hesitant, but nods. He caves in.

"But if something is up... We're going home." I didn't want to agree to it but I did,and it was because I'm fine. I'm completely fine. I yawn and walk past Max and open up my bag searching for clothes.

Pancakes and bacon for breakfast. My heart was screaming yes but my stomach was saying no, I knew Max was watching me eat, waiting for me to be sick, but I didn't want to go home.

"Have you been enjoying yourself while you were away Sia?" Dad asks me and I nod, while drinking orange juice.

"It's been a lot of fun, for both Claire and I" It's going to be pretty hard to cover all the patches around the werewolf situation. It's pretty hard to avoid. My parents seem pleased and smile at me lightly, and as I eat more of my pancakes my stomach begins to protest. I place my knife and fork down, and drink more orange juice to make the feeling go away.

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