Chapter Twenty Five: The Warn

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But no one cared.

It was like the screaming was expected and the terror and the fright.

I see the house, Zach's house. It's borded u and unxposed to what it is avoiding. All the men are preotecting it and if not all, then a hell of a large majority. 

Growls, and very low trembling sounds alert them all that danger is near. And the men brace themselves with their weapons and stance, ready to attack.

But their faces are scared and fragile. One fright could break them all. But just as they thing they're safe, an enmoursly large pack of rouges come charging in.


I wake up with a jolt and a rapidly fast heart, sweat drips down my back and I catch my breathe.

"They're coming" Is what I say aloud.

Its soon I know it is, my predictions don't happen far off and I know that it will be in the next few days if not the next few hours.

I've got to warn the pack.

Its noon, and I realize I've fallen asleep in the combat room. I've got to rush to Zach.

I pick myself up and widen my eyes trying to knock myself awake. I've got to find him, I've got to be quick. The more time we have the better we can plan and brace ourselves for this... war.

I rush down hallways and rooms until I let myself predict where he is.

see him in an office, the main office for Alpha's. He's running hands through his hair looking stressed. He drops his pen and takes deep breathes.

Sorry buddy, but your in for some heavy news.

I rush up stairs on my toes, I run past this young man, not much younger then myself. He smiles at my and I try my best to smile back even with the news I've predicted.

With a deep breathe in I catch air and I purse my lips, I walk slowly up to his door and knock on it.

"Not now!" I hear him yell. He's no doubt in the greatest mood for this.

"Zach," I call out "It's Sia, I've got something really important."

He opens the door for me.

Werewolves scare me with their speed and agility. It was barely one second before I said that.

"Is it about Max? Is it about Zara?" He practically sits down biting his nails looking up at me waiting for me to spill. Anyone around here knows that if I have news to tell them, it's not good news basically. 

“Neither, sadly” I put it to him, and I know he's expecting my following words deep inside, in fact I give him the pathetic look of 'You know...'

“So they're coming?” He says biting his bottom lip waiting for my comfirmation.

“I'ts only a matter of days or maybe even hours.”

He sighs deeply. “Well, I suppose we've trained enough, the time has come” He speaks quietly yet the sound of responsablity in his voice is loud. I've been told a lot about how Zach's father a good man, a great man in fact, and with all of this on his shoulders most people would expect him to be the same.

“We'll be fine.” I assure him, I think this is completely my descion when I say I will stand beside him through this, I'll be there. “I'm here you know, All you need is to ask and I'm there.”

He smiles slightly, only very slightly. “You're a good person, Sia, and I am most glad that one of my bestest friends have you. Despite their utter ignorance.”

“It's okay.” I pause between the sentence to think a little; is it really okay? “He has the complete right to, trust me.”

“Arguments are not my favourite hobby, and I should at least avoid them given the time frame we have to prepare, but there is no right. I see you walking alone a lot, I really need to introduce you to my friend, Quinn, he's just like you to be honest. His mate isnt the nicest considering how cool the guy is.”

“I'll be sure to meet this Quinn after all this is over. But for now we need to warn everyone. I suggest tell the Alpha's and they tell their Beta's. Ill tell the Drea's?”

“Already thinking like me, I like it” He winks and smiles very slightly again. “Sounds good, could you tell Kevin to gather all the Alpha's on your way out? he's around this floor”

"Will do, I'll catch you soon, Zach.”

“You too, Sia”


After warning Kevin he bolted past me to go find the others. I don't blame him.

But I didnt feel the need to rush when it came to warning my fellow Drea's.


SORry lol unexpected 10 day holiday woops.



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