Chapter Twenty: Moving along.

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Max and Zach kicked everyone out, they talked alone. Zach closed the door behind us all, and everyone just left. I guess they don't question the Alpha's. But I do.

"What about the Luna's and Astrix's?" I hear Max's voice.

"Shit," I hear Zach mutter. "Can we leave them here?"

Max sighs, like he's not too fond of this idea. "Ian's wife is pregnant, We still need to train Sia about being a Drea, But she only goes if Claire comes wih her. And I very much highly doubt that Zara will want to stay behind."

"You're right about Zara. But its just so unsafe for them.."

"That's why we're training everyone, its not like anyone could get past both our packs."

"Alright, " He huffs "We'll take them, you sort out Elenour because she's coming too."


I quickly and quietly gap it down stairs. I didn't hear nothing, I didn't see nothing. 

"Sia!," I see little Thomas running towards me.

"Oh Hey there little man." I smile at him grabbing his sides and lifting him up.

"Can we play tag again?" He asks.

"I'm sorry, I can't right now." I shake my head sincerely.

"Are you waiting for Maximus?" He asks grabbing my face and looking me in the eye.

"You know that's not his name, right?"

"Thats what daddy calls him. Its a nick name he said, he said it runs in the family that we tease the Trent's about their names. So if you could hurry up and have a baby that would be nice, I can't wait to tease him!"

I set Thomas down and stand there looking down at him with nothing to say except a scoff and a laugh.

"I'll tell you what, Thomas. If we ever have a baby, you'll be the first to know its name."

"Yay!!" He screams running off with his superman cape on.

"And what's he so happy about?" I feel Max wrap his arms around me.

"He's just really excited to tease our children, Maximus."

"Shut up," He laughs in my hair.

There was a moment of silence before I asked the question I already knew the answer to. "So... am I staying here?"

"No." He says pulling away and sitting on the couch. "You're coming with me. We're moving tomorrow, so get all your things packed - I have a feeling we'll be there for a while."

"Okay," I tell him. And that was the last time I saw him that day.


The new house is big, really big. Zach showed us around but it would still be really easy to get lost. Zara, Zach's wife, introduced me to everyone. Zach & Zara have been happily married for almost 4 years now, and they're one of the funniest couples I've ever meet. Ian and Cassie are here also, along with Claire and Oliver.

Zara, Cassie, Claire and I are given one separate room. We can't interfere with our mates, apparently. That's bull shit.

"You guys better not snore." Zara glares at us, shes one of those people that act really aggressive but it turns out funny.

"Whatever," Cassie yawns. "As long as I'm on a bottom bunk."

"Same for me, my house my rules."

"You guys suck," I mutter climbing on top of the bunk bed with Cassie underneath.

"Oh yeah Sia, I forgot to tell you." Claire jumps on top of the bunk across from mine.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"You've got training with Elenour at 12pm."

I check my watch. "Gee thanks for the 20 minute heads up." I say before jumping back down and getting ready for my first training session.


Was that two months without an update? hahaha im such a shitty updater lmao.

I honestly only wrote this chapter out of guilt which makes me feel bad because I should find more time to write.

asdfghjkl I have exams soon! :~(


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