The Memories of the Warriors The Legendary Guardian (Part 4)

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Saving Jackson Overland would mean saving his past and memories. It was the reason why the Big Four were dragged in his world. Saving the warriors will keep them stronger and will give them more power to end Darkiana's darkness in every corners of the land.

Meanwhile, the Big Four were just standing by Jackson's house and wait for the darkness to come without Jackson knowing it. Jack knew that something will come to destroy him. "Uhh, can me and Toothless just go for a walk? Or a fly maybe?" Hiccup asked. "Yea, sure go ahead," Jack nodded to Hiccup. The two girls were just making beads by little rocks and thread. Merida always brings her needles and threads. "Oh, how about we make a tapestry?" Merida asked. "Oh, that's a good idea, that will be so much fun. So, what picture do you want to do?" Rapunzel asked. Merida scratched her head. "Hmm, oh! Aye, the four of us would be good," Merida said. "Great idea!" Rapunzel agreed.

Jack remembered the tapestry, and he saw in the book that the same old warriors made a tapestry, just like what he saw in the Little Red Riding Hood's cottage. "Wait!" Jack shouted. "What?" Rapunzel asked. "Uhh...I'm not sure if you should be making that, you know. Because, you might get tired?" Jack said. Merida shakes her head. "I'll just talk to him," Merida said. Rapunzel nodded. Merida grabbed Jack's hand and went to the back of the house.

"Is this all about that prophecy again?" Merida asked. Jack didn't answer, he just looked at the ground. Merida puts her hand on his chins and raised her eyebrow. "You know Jack, we were just making a tapestry, and I did one already. I had a picture of the four of us in home, so what is the difference? What if ya didn't know about the prophecy? Would you stop us from doing one just like what ya did earlier?" Merida asked.

"Sorry, there's just this worry side of me I guess," Jack answered. "Exactly, don't let yar "worry side" affect ya. Beat it all up by yar funny side," Merida said and punched Jack's shoulder. "Aw, do you really have to do that?" Jack asked. Merida just laughed at him and Jack just get along with her. "Thanks," Jack said. Merida just winked at him and walked away.

Later, as Jack went back, he saw the tapestry almost done. "Wow, didn't know you were pretty good at weaving," Jack said to Rapunzel. "I do this sometimes at home, but not this big," Rapunzel said.

From far away, they saw birds flying away from the forest. Jack looked up and saw them as they all fly away in the skies. "Guys!" a voice from a distance was repeating to shout. "Hiccup?" Jack asked. Hiccup and Toothless were running so fast, the three were worried so they catch up with Hiccup. "Guys, there's a monster in the forest!" Hiccup shouted. "What monster?" Rapunzel asked. "I don't know but I saw its eyes, if you guys could see them. They were so terrifying, just like Pitch's, but scarier," Hiccup said. This is it, the darkness has come to Jackson. "Where is it?" Jack asked. "It's in the forest, but we need to be careful you guys. It's pretty dangerous," Hiccup said. "Come on!" Jack shouted.

The four went to the forest. The skies were getting darker and the thunder started to stuck. Before they could go to the center, they saw the monster from far away. "Pitch," Jack said. It was the past of Pitch Black, but more terrifying and looked even more stronger. "Hello, Jackson. Why look so thin? We didn't see each other for a long time, it was like hmmm, maybe 50 years ago?" Pitch said. "I'm not Jackson, I'm the other him, his future. And I am much stronger than you," Jack said.

"Oooh, I remember now. You were on a mission to the past warriors. I get it now, you have a mission to save them, right?" Pitch said. Jack was shocked. "How did you know that?" Jack asked. Pitch went closer and the Big Four were just getting away from him. "Let me tell you. I do know you were the past warriors and Queen Darkiana was the queen of all darkness. I saw this story before, and I'm just getting tired of hearing it. Ugh, it makes me feel boring. But there is a exciting part of it. I've read this, and it said that the past warriors did the same to their past, so face it. You will all die and the other future of you will die as well," Pitch said.

Jack bursts out in anger. "No! You're lying, that will never happen to us," Jack shouted. "Hard to believe right? Well, there is nothing you can do about it. The tales of the warriors will just be told again and again, and again. And in the end, darkness will still rule," Pitch said. Jack shouted and buried his staff on the ground. He casts an icy spikes all over the ground and casts a blizzard. Toothless protected the tree by covering them.

Pitch Black was gone. The trees were covered in ice so as the leaves. Jack stood up, but later he passed out. The three immediately grabbed him.

Jack woke up in Jackson's bed. He hurriedly went down and saw the three on the doorstep. "Guys, what happened?" Jack asked. "You passed out," Rapunzel said. "Wait, where's Jackson?" Jack asked. "I...I'm sorry, ya might want to look at this," Merida said. Jack went outside the doorstep and saw a black leaf with a note.

If you want to save Jackson, do it now...or else. Well, it doesn't really matter anymore after what I've said, right?

Jack started to become angry again. He ripped the leaves and went inside. "Hey, just calm down okay?" Hiccup said. "I just hate that Pitch Black, he's even more annoying than the other one," Jack said. "Don't worry, we'll get him," Rapunzel said. "I won't let him kill Jackson, and I especially won't let darkness rule again," Jack said.

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