The Final Journey: Part 3

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The Big Four: The Final Journey Part 3

"Wall-E?" Jack read the yellow painted text. "Is that the name of this place?" Merida asked. "I don't know, but we need to find our way out first, come on," Jack leads the team and headed north. It was like an endless path, there were no buildings or anything. It was a silent atmosphere, the sky was clear and no one was there. "This place is...empty," Hiccup said. "Why are there no other people here?" Rapunzel asked herself. "I hope we'll see someone," Jack said. As they continued, they heard something from behind them. It was like someone stepped on a metal and made a clang noise. "Who's there?" Jack said as he pointed his staff. No one seemed to answer until, another noise came. It was a robot's voice. "Show yourself," Jack said.

A little brown robot came out, with a frightened and sad look on his face. He looked so afraid. He was dirty and his parts were like made by old materials. "Aww, he's cute," Rapunzel said. Hiccup and Jack looked at her. "What? He is," she said. "What is that thing?" Hiccup asked. Wall-E took small steps back as he saw them. "No, wait. I feel like we're here for a reason," Jack said. "What do ya mean there lad? This place is shattered," Merida said. Jack looked at every corners, he saw nothing but old and broken materials.

The buildings were wrecked. The sky was red, and he looked at his front, Wall-E. "Guys, I'm gonna to talk to that robot thing," Jack said. "What? Why?" Hiccup asked. "I don't know, I just feel like it," Jack said. "Look, "feeling like it" is not the right answer for that," Hiccup said. "Look, just trust me. I think that robot can help us," Jack said. Wall-E hid somewhere, but he was still seen.

"Come out, don't worry. We're not going to hurt you," Jack said. It seemed like Wall-E understands what they're saying. "Do you have a name?" Rapunzel asked. Wall-E pointed at the spray paint and at his name.

"Hmm, Wall-E. Wait, you painted that?" Jack asked. Wall-E nodded. "And your name is Wall-E. Wait, are you the only one here?" Jack asked again. He nodded as well. "Hold on, so no one is here, except you?" Hiccup asked. Wall-E sadly nodded. "You poor thing, how long have you been here?" Rapunzel asked. Wall-E used his hand and drew a number on the ground.

"I think about a hundred years now"

"It's just like...oh no, this is what Man in Moon is trying to tell me," Jack said. "What did he say?" Merida asked. Jack remembered about something he said. "This is how the world will end. Just like he said, all of the things will be shattered and you...Wall-E are the one material that will cleanse this. This would happen if we won't stop Darkiana," Jack said. Wall-E seemed confused. "We have to find our way out," Jack said.

Jack leaded the way. "Wait, are ya sure about this? I mean, we could've just been in a wrong destination," Merida said. "I am very sure," Jack said. "This isn't some prophecy thing that yar thinking, right?" Merida asked. Jack sighs. "Don't worry, I'm not thinking about that anymore, well a little but I believe in more of what can happen in the future," Jack said with a smirk. "You are not a guru Jack or a fortuneteller," Merida said. "I know, I'm not. I'm just a guy who wanted to save the world, and call me crazy lad or weird but that's what I want to think, because I care about the world, and I know you too," Jack said. Merida was in silence, but she just nodded in response. "Come on, let's find out way out," Hiccup said.

"Hold it right there!" a helicopter was pointing its headlights towards them. "What the? Is that a helicopter!?" Jack shouted. "What do you think it is a boat?" Hiccup jokes. "Put your hands in the air! Stay where you are," a gun was pointing at them. "I thought you were the only one here," Jack said to Wall-E.

The robot shakes his head and says as he doesn't know what's going on.


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