The Big Four with Hansel and Gretel Vs. The Witches

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Few days, they have been trained by the Four, they also saw that Gretel has knife skills and Hansel has swords skills. "I think this isn't a right choice", Rapunzel said. "Why?", Jack asked. Rapunzel looked both at the children. "I mean, look at them...what if they get killed or become like a violent person?", Rapunzel asked. "It's what the prophecy said", Jack said. "So, are you saying that it's all true now? That we are all going to die, and as them?", Rapunzel asked. "It's not like's not like that at all....for this team, I promise to do my very best to let us all live", Jack said. " almost died right? What if Darkiana killed us? What if we can't defeat her?", Rapunzel asked again. "Look, for now, we have to do what was right...if I felt this right, then it's right ok?", Jack said. "I wish so", Rapunzel said. 

"Jack, am I doing great?", Gretel asked. "Yea, way to go guys, you are going to be heroes like us too", Jack said. "Do you think so?", Hansel asked. "Sure, you guys will be such a great one", Jack said. "Yehey", they said in unison. "Hey mister, can I ride that dragon?'', Gretel asked. "Alright", Hiccup said. They continued their training, and rest later on. Tomorrow, hundreds of witches will be coming to destroy them, as they know that the Four were here. 

Far from the Forestland, tribes of witches were all gathering, and the Queen heard he news of the Big Four coming in their town."No! The Warriors are here! Everyone gather here", the Queen said. "What is it my Queen?", the witches asked. "The Four Warriors are here....and tomorrow, we shall go there and fight them", the Queen shouted."Witches all over the land....Kill all of the Warriors and soon, we will all rule the Forestland, and no light will be seen in the sky, the darkness will fall", the Queen of Witch said. They were all getting their brooms and laughing for excitment. "Tomorrow, we shall take their souls!", all of the witches shouted. "Hahahahahah!". 

It was early in the morning, Gretel and Hansel woke up very early before the Four could wake up. "Hansel...Hansel look", Gretel shaked his body. "What?", Hansel asked. They saw a magical horse running from the forest. "Hehe", Gretel laughed. They both followed the horse with joy and laughter. Merida yawned and woke up in her grass of bed. "Uh...whut?", Merida looked at the bed of the children. "Hansel? Gretel?", Merida shouted. "Guys...wake up!", Merida woke them all up. "Ugh...what is it?", Hiccup asked. "Hansel and Gretel...they're gone!", Merida shouted. "What? Are you sure about that?", Jack asked. "I dun't know where would they go, I just can't see them", Merida said. They heard the laughter of both children. "Come on...they're not far", Jack took his staff and looked for the two kids. "Hansel! Gretel!", Jack shouted.

They all ran and went to the woods. "Wait! Guys look!", Hiccup said. They all looked back, and they saw Hansel and Gretel with a unicorn. "What is this?", Rapunzel asked. "Is the magical horse, from the other world....I think it came here, it was too impossible to have horses in this's here for a reason", Hiccup asked. "Sort of whut reason?", Merida asked. "They said, a magical horse will see two children at the morning, give it it's blessings and give them strength and light, I never thought the legend was true, that children were Hansel and Gretel", Hiccup said. Both of the children held the horse's head, hold its soft white fur, the magical horse gave them their blessings and light. "Awww", Rapunzel said. "Wait a minute....Hansel! Gretel! Get away now!", Jack said. "Why Jack?", Hansel asked. "Witches! They're coming! Go!", Jack shouted. The witches laughed and brought down smoke bombs. The horse was left there, and it was gone when the smoke faded away. "We need to get to the Forestland now", Merida said. "Toothless!", Hiccup whistled. Toothless bring all of them up high. Merida shoots the other witches while going on their way to the Forestland.

"Ok guys, we need to fight now", Jack said. "Jack...I'm scared", Gretel said. "Don't worry...I've got your back, all you have to do is follow my lead alright?", Jack holds Gretel's cheeks. "Ok", she answered.

They finally went to the Forestland, and they get their armors to get ready for battle. "Witches...put out all of the weapons", the Queen said. They were all ready for the battle. The Four and the two children saw hundreds of witches. "Oh....that's a lot of witches", Hiccup said. "I know...Merida, Rapunzel, you guys go behind, Hiccup, you and Toothless take the lead, I am going with the two children and use the sword to defeat the Queen", Jack said. " careful", Merida said. "I'll be", Jack said. " arms....forward!!!!!!!!!!!!", the Queen shouted. The hundreds of witches ran towards them. "Ok, let's go bud!", Hiccup shouted. Toothless used his flame throw to the witches, and the grasses started to burn. The other witches fall and the others went through it. "You ready?", Jack asked. "Ready as you are", Gretel said. "Ok...Merida now!", Jack shouted. Merida took an arrow, and put the metal on the bow, she shoots it and it aims farther to the witches, it goes through their bodies and continued on going. "What is this? This cannot be! Kill them", the Queen shouted. 

"Jack, we need to go now", Hansel said. "Got it", Jack ran with the two kids. They also fight the witches while getting on their way to the Queen. "Hm...Hansel and Gretel, what pathetic fools", the Queen grabbed it's spear and ran. "Grraahhh", Jack used his staff and froze the other horn of the witch. "Arrgh! You will pay for this!", the witch cast it's spell on Jack, but she missed it. Gretel started to used her blade to the witch, so as Hansel, but the witch was very powerful. "Do you really think that the prophecy was true?", the Queen said. "Yea!", Gretel said. "Pathetic, you can't even defeat me", the Queen said. She cast another spell to Jack, and it stroke on him. " powers, arrgh, I'm getting weaker", Jack said. "That's right Guardian...bow down on your knees until nothing is left to you", the witch laughed.

"Jack! No!", Gretel said. The witch cast a fireball and strike it on Gretel. "Ugh...Hansel...the blade, remember that time you used the boomerang?", Gretel asked. "Yes, why?", Hansel asked. "I want you to throw the blade, and turn it around to hit the necklace", Gretel said. "But I forgot how to do it", Hansel said. " me, we can do this, look at Jack", Gretel said. "Grraggh! No!", Jack shouted. Hansel looked at Jack, and back to Gretel. "Ok", Hansel said. "Ok...I'll go behind her to end this", Gretel said. "Ok....let's do this", Hansel said. 

"You are one tough Guardian aren't you...but it's fine to me actually, it's more fun to watch you suffer", the witch said. "Hey! That's our friend!", Hansel threw the blade and it turned, stroke the witche's necklace. "What? No! Uggh, my power", the witch fell on it's knee and Jack was finally free. Gretel jumped to the back, "Take this!", she strikes the blade through her heart and the Queen faded away. Gretel deeps breathly, the witches started to become normal women. "Oh, what happened?", they all murmured. "'s's over!", Gretel and Hansel hugged all of the Four. "Yea! Finally", Hiccup said. "Way to go are a great hero", Jack said. "Thank you for helping us guys", Gretel said. ", a gingerbread house...a gift", Jack said. "Oh...thank you Jack", Hansel and Gretel said. "I guess this is goodbye", Gretel said. "Hehe, it is goodbye, but not we'll be seeing each other again alright? You guys are one of the toughest kids I've ever met, promise me you'll be safe", Jack said. "We will Jack", Hansel and Gretel said. "Ok...goodbye", the Four said. "Goodbyeeeee", Hansel and Gretel said and waved at them.

"Ehem, Merida?", Jack said. "Whuuuut?", Merida asked. "Can I have that kiss now?", he pouts his lips and goes closer to Merida's face. "Ehm...ah, ah, ah", Merida puts her finer on Jack's mouth and pushed him away. "Hey, what? Oh come on", Jack said. Merida giggles. "You guys are so weird", Rapunzel said. "She's being weird, I'm not", Jack said. "Technically, you're both weird", Hiccup laughs. The Forestland was more lighter than before. Hansel and Gretel will remain in their home and become one of the Legendary heroes.

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