Jealous Serious

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Jack was looking at Rapunzel's eyes, Rapunzel smiled to him. So Jack turned around, he blushed, can you believe it? A boy blushed? To a girl? How cute though. Well, Jack is a pretty shy boy, he can't just say true things for sure, but only for love. He don't know if Rapunzel will like her. 

"Hey you have like uh...?", Jack can't question Merida. "A what?", Merida looked at Jack. "You know...experience in like, boys like you and you can't like them?", Jack scratched his head. "Of course! Men in every clan wanted to court me to win my heart...but no once can, because they can't win", Merida said. "How about....having crushes on anyone?". Merida stopped for a while, "Ahhhh, no...not yet...I don't know...maybe I just don't like boys". 

Jarida Moment

"Are you sure?....You never liked someone?", Jack asked. "Well....uhh...yea? All of the boys are the same....they are stupid", Merida said. "What if I look at you for 5 seconds...close to your face huh?", Jack said with a smile. Merida passed to Jack, "Whatever ya du...yu can't make me blush or make me like boys". Jack look closely at Merida's face, "Jack! Get away!". Merida shouted."Are you sure?", Jack blinked his eyes slowly and smiled."Haha very funny Jack, but you can't...", Merida stopped because Jack's face is getting closer to her face It was like he was going to kiss her cheek or something. Merida started to blush, but she just went away.

"Can yu please stop that? Yu are scaring me", Merida said running away from him. "What???Scaring you? I'm just testing I have a bad breath? Or my eyes are terrifying you?", Jack said while walking. He kept on calling her but she just kept on walking away. Merida was sad, because she was worried about Jack, she needs to betray him. "Jack....luk, yu really think yu can just get girls by duing that? You are joking me", Merida said. "Didn't work?", Jack asked. "Nope...not even a little".

Merida sits to a rock, seeing the view of the waterfall. Hiccup saw Merida, so he came to her spot. "Hello there....time alone?", Hiccup asked. "Yea...for now, I just wanted to be alone sometimes, maybe getting to know the world", Merida said. "I know what you're thinking...", Hiccup smiled. "What?". " like Jack don't you?", Hiccup smiled. "What? No! Absolutely not", Merida twrils her hair. "Well...I have a suggestion...I know a little about love....well, I have Astrid, she's my girlfriend....and Rapunzel has a what's the problem?", Hiccup said. "I said I don't like him". "Well...I can feel that you like him, maybe a little, I know that you know? Other people think that Jack and Rapunzel are the right couples, because they both look great and they match, especially when you looked at them...but don't need to have looks...for me...Love needs to be for one person, this is your chance", Hiccup said. Merida looked down and smiled. 

"Well....I better start a fire", Hiccup said. Merida looked at the water. She smiled, " I need to tell Jack? I think I need to tell him!", Merida said to herself without letting Hiccup know that.Merida like Jack even for the first time she saw him, she just don't know if Jack likes her. So Merida just bail on it. She walks away from her spot, and went back. " I can du this", Merida walks gracefully. But she heard the voice and it was like Jack talking to Rapunzel. "Huh? Wha....". Merida walks slowly now that she saw Jack up the tree. "Uh no!". Merida's tears went down to her cheeks. 

Jackunzel Moment

"Umm uhh....Rapunzel?", Jack walked towards her. "What is it?", Rapunzel said. "Well....I have some flowers for you", Jack said. "Oh....that's so sweet...", Rapunzel smells the flowers. "Wow...these smell good, and it's beautiful". "Oh!....I also have this's a pink flower...", Jack puts the pink flower to Rapunzel's hair. "Wow''s beautiful", Rapunzel said. "I have last gift for you...", Jack brings Rapunzel to the tree, and they saw a view of beautiful stars. "Jack...this is wonderful! I can't believe this....thank you Jack", Rapunzel leans to Jack's shoulder. "I really like the's so beautiful", Rapunzel said. " know...that's what we called Man in Moon...he chose me to be a Guardian", Jack said. "Did you regret it?", Rapunzel asked. "Well, for the first time, yea.....people can't see me that days, but you the end, you really need to accept everything", Jack said. "You are so kind Jack....thank you for the team...this is really great", Rapunzel said. "Aren't you scared about what's happening now?", Jack asked. "Of course I am....the truth is I am like the most afraid because I really don't know what to do if I make something wrong", Rapunzel said. "Hey...don't worry...every thing is going to be alright...I will never let anything happen to all of you", Jack said. "Thank you Jack". 

Merida saw the two happy, but she is sad once again. She goes in the back of the tree and wanted to cry, she was breathing fast, but she needs to accept it. Jack don't like her. She just went to bed and sleeps. She was looking at the sky and wishing that she could get over it. "Ugh! Merida ya wee lass! He will nevar like you! Yu are ugly, and she is pretty, Grrgh, What if he discover the truth abowt me?", Merida said to herself. "I knuw this is crazy but....Guardians....please help me to control this feelings...I dun't want to hurt Jack, if I hurted him...I also might hurt ya gus", Merida said leaning on the tree. The Guardians saw her, "Tooth...get my bag, where the snow flakes are there", Santa said. "Yes...Bunny, let's go", the Toothfairy said. And Santa sent a snow in her dreams. Making her remember the childhood days. Her face was starting to get happy again. "Don't you worry my dear...soon, this will be over, I am always here", Santa said.

In the morning.

"Hey Jack...look! A butterfly...", Rapunzel said while holding Jack's arm. Merida accidently fell to the rock, because of jealousy. Jack and Rapunzel are very happy. While Hiccup and Merida eat tuna fish. " like one? If you don't I'll give this to Toothless", Hiccup said while eating. "Go ahead...", Merida said with a angry sad face. "Wow...Toothless will be faster".  Merida was whistling and playing the grass. "Something wrong?", Hiccup asked. "Nothing....I just dun't feel like ya know...great", Merida said. "Is this about the two? Yea...sometimes they look so happy they could be lost, and it will be so stressful to us to find them right?", Hiccup said. It was not exactly the reason but Merida agreed anyways. "Hey...let's go guys", Jack said. "Alright....hey Merida...get your bow were getting out here", Hiccup said.

Dark Woods.

While the Big Four are in the dark woods, they can't see the view because of fogs. "Uhh....where are we?", Rapunzel asked. "This is the only way, the other woods is dead end", Jack said. Meriad angrily walks, until she fell into a deep hole, so she screamed. "Merida! I need to catch her!", Jack said. But the bats came to their faces. So Merida continued to fall. She fell into a deep cave, a little dark, but there was a candle on it. "What is this?....Some kind of cave....she saw scratches from the wall", Merida touched the wall until a voice came to her ears. "What are you doing here?", the voice said. Merida gets her bow. "Wait! I'm not going to hurt you....", the voice said. "Who are you?!", Merida said. "I'm Mavis...a vampire".

"Wait a minute.....are you the daughter of the guy named....ummm...Dracula?", Merida asked. "Please...don't bring me to him...", Mavis said. "Why? he's yur father", Merida said. "Look....he is...but I ran away", Mavis said. "Why?". "Because he was poisoned...controlled by a evil creautre...a Boogeyman, my father wants to take me too, to be his apprentice", Mavis said. "Why should I believe you?". "Please...look, I will get back to him, if the darkness is gone, but I can't fight, because...I can't go to the sun", Mavis said. "Don't worry...I was chosen to stop the darkness", Merida said. Mavis was crying, Merida holds her shoulder. "Don't worry...I won't get yu back to your father.....for now ok?", Merida said. "Thanks....what's your name?".  "Merida", she smiled. "Oh wait....I'll take you outside this cave ok?", Mavis said. Merida nodded. 

"Merida?!!!!", Jack shouted. "Where is she?", Rapunzel said worrying. In a fog, Merida came out. Rapunzel hugged her, "Where have you been?". "Umm uh...just fell on a hole...that's all..better get moving then", Merida said, the three looked at her wondering of what happened to her. "Hey Merida, I just wanted to say that I am glad that you're safe", Jack said. "Nah...I can du it, and ya don't have to worry abowt me....I'm fine Jack", Merida smiled. "I mean I just wanted all of my teams to be ok.....and I will not let that happen to you I promise", Jack said. "Ulright..thanks", Merida smiled. "Glad were all back again, we better keep moving, it's getting darker here, we better camp far from here", Hiccup said. "Ok, let's go", Jack said. They all kept on moving and left the Dark Woods.

The journey still contiunes.


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