The Return of the Goldens

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"Wow", Jack said. "What?" Merida asked. "I can't believe we made it this far, you know it was like I don't know...we already found Hiccup, and the only thing left is Rapunzel, without her, we can't be complete,"Jack said. " can't be complete," Merida laughed. "Heh, whatever," Jack said. This time...North will visit them as a guidance. "Tooth ,come with me. Sandy and Bunny, you guard the tower," North said. North and Tooth flew and went to the forest avoiding from the darkness. "Hmmm...Shush! I heard something," Merida gets an arrow.

They were looking for it, then they saw a big glow of light. "North! Tooth!" Jack looked at them. "Oh...we are glad that you are three now," Tooth Fairy said. "Yea, me too North. Well...what brings you here?" Jack asked. "I have something to show you," North said. "Here....this is the light side .I want you to travel you will be safe," North said. "Wait sir! How can we find the Golden Sun?" Hiccup asked. "Don't worry...soon you will find her. I just need to do something," North said. "Ok...I'll watch these two for a bit", Jack nodded.

"Is that?"Merida said. "'s my other Guardians," Jack scratched his head. "Why do you call him North?" Hiccup asked. "It's his name, actually we all have different names, like E. Aster Bunnymund, Toothiana and Sandy," Jack answered. "Oh, they look um...they don't exactly look like ya," Merida said. "Every Guardian has different looks," Jack said. "I mean....stronger, and more legendary-looking", Merida said, "Ughh.....I get it alright?", Jack said. "I am just saying", Merida said. "Let's just wait for him alright?" Jack said. "Ulright", Merida smiled. "Good".

Back in the castle.  A princess sleeping at the night. Her name is Rapunzel, she is from a far far away castle who has a power to heal of those who are wounded. She has been trapped by her fake mother, Gothel for a long long time but not for long because of her husband Flynn and parents. Now...she does't have any blonde hair, she can use her tears for healing. Santa came there and hold Rapunzel's hair. Rapunzel's hair turned to gold, it was back the way it was. Rapunzel woke up, and she holds her hair. She was shocked. She saw a great light coming towards her.

"Rapunzel...don't be afraid. I came here to bring back your glden hair," North said. "What do you want?" Rapunzel asked putting her blanket in her face. "There is a very great task you need to do and you must accomplish it...if not. all of the world will be fulfileld by darkness...stop your evil mother Gothel because she has been risen by an evil creature," North said. "What?" Rapunzel said. The light vanished. "Wait!" Rapunzel shouted. She cried and she started to freeze, she was shocked when she knew that Gothel was alive. "Rapunzel? Are you okay? I heard you scream. What happened to you hair?" Flynn came out of the door. "Flynn," she cried and hugged him. "Everything is going to be ok," Flynn said.

Jack opened his globe to see the other teams, and he just saw Rapunzel in her golden hair."North? What did you do there?" Jack asked. "Well....I returned her her back to gold to do her task," North said. Jack nodded. "Wish this would help her," Merida said. "This would help her alot," Jack said. "And she will look even more beautiful," Merida smiled once again. "Can you please stop that?" Jack said. Now that the Golden Sun got her Golden hair back, she can now be one of the Big Four. "Can we go now? Really?" Merida said.

"I just can't stop looking at her face...she is just, wow," Jack said. "Ugghh...ya know what? I just don't know why you won't just confess to her," Merida said. "Have you ever heard? Guardians mission is not to love, is to protect people," Jack said. "Alright then...but she is a princess right? And maybe she married a prince," Merida said. "Her husband is not a prince, it's a thief but...she chose him," Jack said. "That is stupid," Merida said.

"'s not, that is what her heart is saying. If she really loves him...then I don't have any choice," Jack said. "Well I guess...we need to go now, to find everyone in the team " Merida said. "Alright, let's go," Jack said. "Hey um...I need to go for a while," Hiccup said. " back soon". Merida and Jack sat down while waiting to Hiccup.

"So...ya really love that gurl?", Merida asked. "Yap...well, she was my crush since I saw her in the town. I was just walking around and I would say that she was my love at first sight," Jack said. "Wooow, a Guardian....had a love of first sight, but what about the other Guardians?" Merida asked. "Well, I was the youngest Guardian, maybe I was the only one in love I guess, crazy huh?" Jack said. "Wow, I'm first born and I was nevar in love with anyone," Merida said. "Well, don't worry it'll come to's impossible to a girl that never had a crush," Jack said.

"Ya don't know anything about gurls", Merida said. "Well, maybe you're right but I couldn't tell because I didn't had that chance to live with my sister", Jack said. "Hm....Jack, may I ask ya something?", Merida asked. "Yea sure," Jack said. "What if Rapunzel can't see ya?" Merida asked. "Well, I count that on you I guess," Jack said. "I will try Jack," Merida said. "I know you will," Jack said. "Are yu not counting on Hiccup?", Merida asked. "Well, I will count on him, but I have to say I like your skills, and maybe this time you could do it," Jack said. "Wow...ya really trust me?" Merida asked. "Yea, why not?" Jack asked. Merida looked back and closed her eyes. "Um...nothing, it's just that I never believed in Jack Frost once, and I don't know anything abowt you," Merida said. "Well, I'll sure find that out," Jack said. "I just wish that she can see you," Merida said. "Well, I am a pretty shy guy, maybe it's fine to me if she can't see me," Jack smiled. "Yu are such a crazy lad," Merida said. "Hey guys, I just brought a fish, in case Toothless and you guys get hungry," Hiccup said. "Let's go, we have a work to do". Jack said. 


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