The Kingdom of Paradise

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They finally entered the portal, they can see clear skies and trees, all of the animals were at one side, and a waterfall was splashing on the river. ''Whoa....what kingdom is this?", Hiccup whispered. "Shush...let's all be quiet, and careful. They all walked slowly as they can. "Why are the tiny?", Rapunzel asked. "I don't know, I can't see any kingdoms here", Hiccup said while squirting his eyes. ''Aw! What was that?", Jack shouted. ''What?", Merida ran to him. "I felt a sting!", Jack look at his left leg, and he saw a tiny spear. "Uh oh...fairies again, come on!", Jack shouted. They were all tied up, again, because of the fairies.

"Wait, what are you doing?", Rapunzel asked. ''Speak before the Queen", a small fairy soldier said. "A...queen? So, this is a kingdom?", Jack asked. "Yes, it is our kingdom, we fairies protect it from the likes of you", the soldier pointed at Jack. "Sir! This is a big one", they are all getting Toothless and trapped him in a large net. "Hey, stop that, he's my friend!", Hiccup shouted. "Wait, can we see the queen?", Jack asked. "Of course, but be warned, if you said something that is against us, you will all perish, we may be little, but we still have the power", the soldier said. "Yes, I just want to speak to her", Jack said.

The soldier commanded his men to bring them to the Queen, they were still tied up. "Jack, ya better knuw what you're duing", Merida said. "Don't worry, I got this", Jack whispered. They all bowed, as the Queen was about to enter. The Big Four gasps as they saw her. "What?", Hiccup said. "No way....", Jack said. "It's true", Merida said. The Queen is as little as a thumb, and her hair is orange, she has flowers all over her head. "It's Thumbelina! The one from the stories", Rapunzel shouted. "How did you know my name?", Thumbelina asked.

"We...we've read your story, they ull said it was only a fairytale, but's true", Merida said. "Well, I am amazed....and impressed, why are you here? What do you want?", Thumbelina asked. " queen, we only want to find the missing pieces in the Way of Light", Jack said. Thumbelina's eyes were widened. "The Way of Light? But that is abandoned, long ago...darkness has covered it", Thumbelina said. "The gate is not covered by darkness, we can still stop this...Queen Darkiana wants to rule the world, and we are the only ones that can stop her!", Rapunzel said.

"You? Do you really think that you would defeat her? I have known her", Thumbelina said. "You know her?", Jack asked. "Yes...he destroyed my other kingdoms, killed my people...and took my husband, she trapped her in her dark world, and I am never going to see him again, you are all children, how can you defeat her?", Thumbeline cried. "It is also said that...only the Legendary Warriors can defeat her", Hiccup said. "How can it be true...if", Thumbelina stopped as she looked at them. "You are the warriors...aren't you?", Thumbelina asked. "We don't know yet...but the warriors are much like us", Jack said.

"But, you were all dead", Thumbelina said. "Some believed that the warriors from the past have been reborn", Rapunzel said. "This is so impossible, I...guards....let them go", Thumbelina ordered. They all cut the ropes and nets. "Please, leave us for a moment", Thumbelina said. "But my queen", the soldier said. "No, I'm fine, I just need to talk to my visitors", Thumbelina said. They all get to a quiet place, and talked. ''I didn't knew this was gonna happen, I thought it was all from the stories", Thumbelina said. "What do you mean, stories?", Merida asked. "Those stories were tales, told by townspeople, fairies, trolls, all of the corners in the land, they said there were four warriors to defeat darkness, they're death is yet a mystery, did you know how they died?", Thumbelina asked.

"No...but were going to find out", Jack said. "If you found it out, it may hurt you, make you feel weak, I don't know how was Darkiana defeated or how did the warriors died from the are all here now, from now, every place and destinations you have been through, they are all telling your stories, and they will be shared, and it will only grow and grow throughout the world", Thumbelina said. "Don't worry, the legend never stopped us", Hiccup said. "It may never stop you, but you have your destinies, you are the legendary Jack Frost, I know were younger now, the Legendary Jack Frost was the leader, it was chosen by Man in Moon, yes...I've heard those tales, and I am glad you're here", Thumbelina said.

"Thank you, we won't let you down", Jack said. Thumbelina nodded. "But what about the Way of Light? What is the missing piece, if we may ask", Rapunzel asked. "The missing piece is in my crown, but it was taken away by hunters, they will use my crown to sell it, they all captured the other fairies, and I found this safe place, soon we will all move to the other place, because those hunters will be back", Thumbelina asked. "But, your soldiers said yu were strong, why can't you get it yourself?", Merida asked. ''Truth is...I have a power, but I am getting weaker, because of the darkness...we only move to other places so we can get energy from it, my soldiers did that to scare people away, it was working once", Thumbelina said.

"Ok...we'll get it for you", Jack said. ''It's too dangerous, the leader of the hunters has the part of my power, after he hold me, I tried to break out, but my powers just merged through him, so he is also a strong man", Thumbelina said. " strong you are?", Hiccup asked. "I am the strongest fairy in this land, and I've given energy and life to this forest", Thumbelina answered. "Wooow, I guess this will be a strong guy huh?", Hiccup whispered to Jack. "Yea, but we need to do it, her crown is the only way, if we don't get it then were not getting out of here, understand?", Jack asked. Hiccup nodded. ''Ok, I guess we need to ready our weapons, Thumbelina, I want you to come with us, you'll need to get your power back", Jack said. 

"Ok, let's go!", Jack shouted. The Big Four will get the first missing piece of the gate, and it will be very long way to find the others. Soon, they'll end Darkiana's darkness.

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