Counting Stars

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They were in the road, walking. Think they were lost in there. "Hey Jack, are you sure there is a way here? I think this is dead end", Rapunzel said. "In the scroll, this says that we need to look for the light...but don't think there is anything's a dull gray place", Jack said. "Wait...does the scroll says that we will find the light here?", Rapunzel asked. They are all struggling to find the way. "Think t there is another way around here?", Hiccup asked. "Hm....Guys, yu might want tu see this", Merida pointed her finger in the sky. They all looked up and they saw mulitples of beautiful stars. " many light...maybe this is the way!", Rapunzel said. "Yeap, you're right...but I don't know how to get up", Jack said. "There was a legend that a bridge of stars will carry us up there, but I don't know if it's true", Merida said. "Well....why won't we find out?", Jack said. " will you open the bridge", she asked. "Well....I don't have any ideas, said that a voice of a siren can only open it", Jack said. Rapunzel smiled. "I'll handle this", she took a deep breath and sang.

Song: Counting Stars

By:One Republic

The bridge was made finally. "Wow, you are a great offense Merida", Jack laughs. They went to the sky with the millions of stars glowing and shining at them. "I can't believe it...all of it was true, I read this before", Hiccup said. They all kept on finding their way out. "Alright...what does the scroll says?", Hiccup asked. "Well, we should count the stars...and if it is the 100th star, we will pick it and it will become a portal out...but we only got one shot at this", Jack said. "Whut now? That is great! Now we need to count millions of can we count them?", Merida angrily said. "Well, just follow to sign...each star are having their own brightness...they will shine...the star with the greatest light is the one to be counted", Jack said.

"Well...nothing is really easy....let's do this", Hiccup said. "Wait...what if we pick the wrong star?", Rapunzel asked. "Well....were going to be sucked by a black hole I guess", Jack said. They are all nervous about this. " is number one". They are all trying to count the stars, but it was too hard to find. "Hey Jack, you sure we will find the right one?" Hiccup said. Jack didn't answer. They all know that they will not find the right one easily. "Guys....look up there!", Rapunzel said. She pointed a glowing star with a scarlet color. And it went down. And suddenly, the light turned into a lady. "What are you doing with the stars?", she asked. They all move backwards. "We....we just want to find the way out", Jack said. "But the way is right over there....", she pointed millions of stars in the sky.

"Umm....we don't really know what you mean", Hiccup smirks. "Well, as the scroll said that each stars here is the way out....but you must count them properly, and there is also one thing you didn't know about them",the lady said. "Whut is it madam?", Merida asked. "I am Lydia, the queen of stars...and these stars were also soldiers, like people'', she said. "Wow....but how will we know where is the right star?", Hiccup asked. "Only the chosen ones can pick the right star...the warriors from the past chose the brightest star and it lead them to the other side....but I cannot help you because I only guard these stars at night....and grant childrens good wishes", Lydia said. The four were curious about what Lydia was saying. "Alright....we can do this guys", Jack said. "Are you out of your mind? How will we know?", Hiccup said.

"Just trust me on this guys...I know what to do", Jack smiled. They all agreed and trusted whatever Jack says. They are all now counting the stars carefully and one by one. Jack was struggling, so he took a rest first. "Hm....I was wondering who was that guy in my dream when I died...I mean, why did he save me if he can't even save himself?", Jack said it in his mind. He was so curious about what he saw when he was about to die. He was looking at the stars and wishing that he would know the future. "Are you wishing?", Lydia asked. "What? Me....well....yea I am", Jack said. "Stars can only grant wishes if needed...because they also know the future...maybe it's better that you don't know", she said. Jack stood up and felt mad. "I know what you are feeling right feel curious about all of this and you are scared about what is going to happen to you and your friends", she said. Jack turned around and he saw something.

Jack was looking at a star, having a connection. "Lady", he asked. "Well, apparently that was a warrior....but he really look like you, don't you worry...the stars connections doesn't give bad news, only hope...whatever it's a message for you", she said holding Jack's shoulder. "But how can a picture of me is a message?", Jack asked with a little fear in his heart. "Do not worry.....the stars will be your guide, and look at him...he is you, the bravest hero in the world...and I knew that they all died long time ago...but I believe as the legend says....hero will always come back even in their graves and in the future, and evil will perish", Lydia said. Jack was feeling a little better now.

"Jack! This is the last star...we counted and I hope this is the one", Rapunzel said. "Yu go ahed Jack", Merida said. Jack slowly took the star, and it became so bright. "Lady Lydia...what's happening!?", Jack said. "As I always say...stars give you hope and good news", she smiled. A huge portal was made. They are all very happy about it. "I can't believe it....thank you Lady Lydia!", Jack said. "No...thank you", she said. Lydia disappeared.

"Um...what is she thanking us for?", Hiccup said. Jack knew what Lydia was talking about. "Us....that we were all born in this world", Jack said. "Um...I still don't get it", Hiccup said. Merida punch him in the shoulder. "Aw...What?". They all went to the portal and went out.

"So...what now?", Rapunzel said. Jack looked at the scroll. ''Well...the place looks like...a uhh, a wonderland maybe", he said. " you mean we will go back again?", Rapunzel asked. "No...this is not an ordinary's more than that", Jack said. "Well....what are we waiting for? Let's go!", Hiccup said.

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