Game on!

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"Where are we?!....Pac-man?", Hiccup seems scared. "I've heard this before, it''s something...I don't know", Jack said. "Wooo, what is that?...It's  a person...hide!". The kid plays the Pac-man, and then he saw something, "Mr. Litwax?.....what are those?...Bonus? Seems like they're four...", the kid said. " Oh...something must have gone wrong...I don't know if this is a bonus game, but don't worry, we'll fix Pac-Man, here's your quarter kid", Mr. Litwax said. He posted the Pac-Man game Out Of Order, until he finds out what's going on. "What have you done? You ruined our game?", one ghost came up to the four. " Game? What game?", Jack asked. "Oh, they're outsiders, but this is impossible, they can't just get in here". " Hmmm...well, maybe go to Fix-it-Felix, maybe he can fix you", the ghost said. " Fix-it-Felix?...Well, where is he?", Merida asked. "Oh...he's in the station, maybe outside, but go in the game ok? Maybe he's there". "Ok....hey, can I have that cherry? I'm kinda hungry", Hiccup asked. 

The Big Four came out of the station, and they saw different characters. "Whatever you do...don't go Turbo", a Hedgehog in a screen said. "Who's that?". "I don't know, maybe a blue dog or something", Hiccup said. " Hiya!", a girl with chiginon hair lift it's leg up. "Wo....that might break her leg", Merida said. "'s so cool in here", Rapunzel said. "Guys,guys.....were here to look for Felix, we better stay close ok?", Jack said. "@#&%#", an orange little thing said. "What is this...oooh, he is cute", Rapunzel said. "Rapunzel come one", Jack pulled her. " @*%$@???". 

"Here we are....this is the station". They finally entered Fix-It-Felix station. But no one was there. 

"Hello?", Jack said. The four heard a noise, so they all looked at the side, of a garbage dump, with a house. " Ssssh....someone's here", Hiccup said. Stomps in the floor are heavy. "What was that?....Is it a monster?", Merida said, she took an arrow. A shadow man came towards them, they were afraid, they wanted to fight it but they need to wait. 

The man came towards them, his hands are big, he has brown hair and orange shirt. The four shouted. "Hey, hey guys, guys...don't shout...Look I may look like a bad guy, but I was only doing my job", the man scratched his head. "Wha...what are you?". The man stood up. "I am Ralph....Wreck-it-Ralph...I am a bad guy in this game, just so you know, but I won't hurt you guys...wait a're not from here are you?", Ralph said. "Uhh...yea?", Jack said. Ralph chase them and angrily wants to catch them. "Ralph? Hey, Ralph", a guy jumps over the cart. "Felix?", Ralph smiled. He ran towards him and he hugged Felix. "Slow down Ralph....Who are they?", Felix looked at the four. "Look, we only need help...we want to get out of here", Jack said. "Sorry if Ralph chased you guys...he don't like outsiders", Felix said.

"Are you Fix-It-Felix?", Merida asked. "Oh,,my look at these two gorgeous faces", Felix said. "Can you help us?". "Well...I don't really know how, but maybe in a few hours the game will restart, then you can go back again", Felix said. " long will we have to wait?", Hiccup asked. "About....5 hours...No need to be bored...come on!", Felix walked outside the station. The Four followed Felix and Ralph. "I have a really special place to show you", Ralph said. The four entered a station, Sugar Rush, a candy race game. "Woooow", Jack said. "Yap,'s beautiful here you know...Oh look, look! The racers! Come on!", Felix said. Racing game has begun to be the next characters, Sugar Rush always decide who will be racers daily, the challenge is racing. "Oh look! It's Vanellope! one can defeat the Glitch", Ralph come towards the cart of a little girl. "Eh?", Merida said. "Wow....she's ummm...cute", Hiccup said. "Ralph!....Hey, you didn't watch my race", Vanellope said.

"Ok,ok I get it...I'm a stinkbrain...but promise, I will watch you everyday, no matter how times I get thrown on the roof", Ralph said. "Hmmm...who are they?", Vanellope said. "Oh, they are from other place...but they won't bother, they just wanted a tour", Ralph said. Vanellope looked at the four. " guys are....weird", Vanellope said. "Wow! A dragon!". "Um, yea, it's Toothless", Hiccup said. "Really? Oh, sorry, I thought you were Toothless", Vanellope said. Hiccup looked at his teeth, maybe a little dislocated.

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