The Magical Contract: All the Wishes Came True (Rapunzel's Wish)

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 As she awoke, the first thing she saw was her wide ceiling with a big chandelier. She slowly turned her head all over the room and it seemed pretty normal. "Did I just, go home?" Rapunzel asked herself. She thought that the contract might have brought her back on her kingdom. She felt the contract behind her back and she immediately grabbed it. The contract was there, and this has all happened. Rapunzel smiled and thought it was all over. She was also tired of fighting, but it was the greatest adventure that she could ever have. She stood up, but as she did, she felt like something wasn't right. Her hair wasn't as long as she remembered. She took a strand and was surprised. She fell on the floor as she saw her hair. It was all brown, and short. It wasn't that short, its until her waist. 

"What just happened?" Rapunzel said. She grabbed some clothes and get changed. She went outside her room, and the palace was normal. She saw the servants and the maids doing their routines and the walls of every kingdom were pretty just the same. "Princess! Would you like some cup of tea?" the servant asked. "No thank you, where's mom and dad?" she asked. "They're outside princess, having some cup of tea," the servant answered. "Thank you," she said. There was something that was bothering her. Of course she's happy because she's home again, but something doesn't feel right. Rapunzel walked outside and saw her parents having a coffee. "Oh darling, you're awake," her mother said. "Mom," she gave both of her parents a hug. 

"That is a tight hug," her mother laughs. She missed them, it was a very long time. "Sorry, I'm just happy," Rapunzel answered. "Aw, you are always happy Rapunzel. Would you like to join us for a moment?" she asked. "Sure, but I'll go check on Eugene first," Rapunzel said. Her parents were confused. "Eugene?" her father asked. "Yes, I'll just give him breakfast," Rapunzel answered. "Rapunzel, who's Eugene?" her mother asked. Rapunzel was more confused, how could they not know him. "Mom, dad are you alright?" she asked. "Of course honey, how about you? Are you alright?" her mother asked. "Um, yea. I mean, it's just...I-I need to go," Rapunzel hurriedly ran upstairs and looked for Flynn. She was panicking and she was all over the place.

She looked everywhere, but it seemed like he wasn't there at all. She also asked her servants and soldiers, but they didn't know him. Rapunzel went back in her room and looked at the contract. "No, this couldn't be happening, where is he?" she said. She got angry and was about to break the contract. "Are you sure you want to break that contract?" a familiar voice came. She looked at her right and saw Rumple. "Where's Flynn?" she asked. "Oh him? Don't worry, he's fine. You should be glad you got what you wanted," Rumple said. "This isn't what I want. I want him back," Rapunzel said. "Hmm, let me get this straight. Do you want your good life back? Or get him back?" Rumple asked. "What are you talking about?" she asked.

"Don't worry, you'll understand soon. You're friends haven't got it yet though," Rumple said with an evil smile. "Where are my friends?" she asked. "Oh, don't you worry. They've got what they wanted as well, especially that Jack Frost, or should I say Jack Overland?" Rumple said. "What did you do?" Rapunzel asked. "I gave what you all wanted," Rumple said and immediately disappeared. Rapunzel threw her comb on him and it slammed into the mirror. She screamed and she cried. "I shouldn't have signed it," Rapunzel said. Her mother and father immediately came into her room. 

"Oh lord, are you okay?" her mother asked. "I-I'm fine, I just fell," Rapunzel said. "Do you need something?" her father asked. "No, I'm fine father," she answered. "Oh my poor girl. I'm so sorry but we need to go today," her father said. "Go to where?" she asked. "To Scotland dear, there's a ceremony of the bride and groom," her mother said. "Who's the bride and groom?" she asked. "Merida and Wee Dingwall" her mother answered. Rapunzel gasps and hurriedly got up. "We need to go right now," Rapunzel said. She ran outside and got dressed. Her parents still don't know why she hurries this much.

"Are you really okay honey?" her mother asked. "Yes mom, we need to go right now," Rapunzel said. They all went inside the carriage and went off. They were too early but Rapunzel needs to help Merida escape. "I just hope Merida remembers me," Rapunzel said inside her head. 

Finally they're in Scotland. Rapunzel saw the place, it was definitely Merida's home. "Mother, can I have a stroll for a moment?" Rapunzel asked. "Sure, would you like someone to go with you?" she asked. "No, I'm fine mother. I'll be back here for a few minutes," Rapunzel said. "All right, but don't go to far," her mother said. She hurriedly went to Merida's castle and sneaks her way in. She picks up a sword in case Merida tries to attack her. She opened the room and saw Merida. "Who's there?" Merida hurriedly grabbed her arrow and pointed it at Rapunzel. "It's me," she said.

Merida cried and hurriedly hugged her. "Rapunzel!!?? What are ya doing here?" she asked. "You know me? You remember me?" Rapunzel asked. "Of course I do, and I know what happened. The contract was evil. Now I'm getting married to that Wee Dingwall, wait how did ya get here?" Merida asked. "We've got an invitation, look, there's another way to end this. We need to find Jack and Hiccup as soon as possible," Rapunzel said. "Wait, what happened to yar hair?" Merida asked. "I don't know, but I know that I have no powers to do anything. We just need to find out way out," Rapunzel said. "Don't worry, I know a way, Angus will take us as far as he can from here," Merida said. "Good, let's go," Rapunzel said.

The ceremony will start after 30 minutes, and still they are trying to get their way out. Luckily Merida has a secret hideout. They both hurriedly went to the stable and grabbed Angus. "Princess?" Maudie came in and saw Rapunzel and Merida. "Maudie! Hi," Merida greeted. "W-w-who is she?" Maudie asked. "She's just my friend," Merida answered. "Intrudeeeeeeeeeer!" Maudie screamed and hurriedly went inside. "Ugh no! Come on!" Merida shouted. Angus hurriedly ran away from the castle. The guard were following them. "Don't let her escape!" the guards shouted. 

Merida shots at the trees with ropes that she set up. The others were trapped. It still wasn't enough to slow them down. "There!" Merida pointed at the Will-o-wisp. They followed it and finally they have outrun the guards. "Now, we only need to find Jack and Hiccup. Where could they be?" Rapunzel asked. Merida looked at the wisps and smiled. 

"I know where they are," Merida said.

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