Anxious (Request)

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I guess it wasn't the best place to start crying, but I didn't know how much longer I could have held it in. It was time to go home, but that might as well have been an actual nightmare in those moments as the tears fell freely. I heard all the others walking through the hallways towards the doors, flooding out into the warm, spring afternoon. I heard fragments of their conversations through the open windows leading to the courtyard I was in, using those unimportant bits and pieces to try to calm my nervous heart and shaking hands. 

I rested my forehead on my knees, staring at the grass underneath me hoping I would calm down soon enough.

"What're you doing?" I heard someone say, looking up at them without thinking about the tears on my cheeks. It was Niall Horan, a guy from my grade. No doubt he was good looking, and I'd always thought he'd had a different side to him than the quiet, apathetic appearance, but I'd never gotten to know him to see if that was true. 

I quickly ducked my head once more when I saw him blankly staring at me as he leaned out of the window, resting his arms on the sill. I wiped my tears as best as I could with trembling fingers, sniffling, but I realized that I really only making it more obvious that I was crying. 

"Oh, nothing," I spoke up, looking back up at his eyes glued to me. They were a little bluer than the sky, but much brighter than the sun that burned in it. I stared right back at him, even adding a little smile in there to make it a little more believable as we were so silent there. 

"Really, what's wrong?" he asked, not taking his eyes off me. That only made my shaking hands feel even more clammy and unnatural as they hid behind my knees. I furrowed my eyebrows, confused as to why he was being persistent when he'd always seemed indifferent to everything around him. 

I looked back at his unwavering eyes, standing to match his height. I guess I needed to tell him, so I decided to keep it brief, knowing that when he heard he'd be gone straight afterwards. 

"There's trouble at home, and it's too anxious of an environment for me to be in, so I don't want to go home today," I told him, shrugging at the end but screaming to myself and wondering if I'd said too much. When he was silent, I'd figured I had. 

"I'm sorry, Larn," he sighed, resting his cheek on his closed fist and only continuing to stare at me. As I heard my name repeated in his voice in my head packaged with the fact that I did have to go home, I began to cry again. I turned away from him, covering my mouth. Did he really care?

"I'll be fine," I managed to get out, my cheeks becoming warm again as my throat seemed to get smaller and smaller. I heard him chuckle at that and figured he'd walked away because of my piteous self.  

I saw the door open to the courtyard and began to panic, not wanting anyone else to see and make fun of me. I turned back around, away from them, only to see that Niall was still standing and staring at me.

I saw people coming from behind Niall in the hallway, and I felt my eyes grow wide. I panicked, not being able to think of what to do. I guess he saw my panic, sighing in front of me. 

I felt his hand on the back of my neck suddenly, and I let my eyes meet his as he pulled me into his shoulder, hiding my tears from everyone. I stood there, my heart pounding as I tried to figure out why he would do that for me. When I heard their voices gradually disappear, I realized it had been quite a few minutes. I pulled away from him, my eyes still wide. 

"Niall--" I tried to say, but he straightened his back and turned to leave. Before his eyes finally left me, however, he let a small smile onto his lips. 

"Good luck at home," he said to me, walking away. 

There was no doubt he would be in my mind that night, so I knew that being anxious would be impossible as long as his burning blue eyes stayed with me. 



thanks to alarnajaynelawleyx for requesting! please please go check out her books! 

i love you all so much, you're all so freaking wonderful and even though at this time last year i had 300k on my first book, i'm beginning to forget about the numbers and focus more on making the content much better. i was a little vain in the past 


Mel x

p.s. i may or may not have copied this like almost straight from a show lol 

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