Play Along (Request)

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The sun was beginning to set, but we weren't even beginning to have fun. Both of us laughing as we tripped over a dip in the ground, music started to play in the distance.

Mel glanced in the direction of the growing sound, lifting her sunglasses from her eyes.

"Is that-" she stopped as they began to sing, and we both looked at each other, barely holding in our excitement.

"Come on!" I exclaimed, beginning to run in that direction as to not miss the continuation of the song. It was our favorite band, one of the only reasons we'd gone to that music festival. I held onto my bag as I kind of sprinted, sighing at myself when I kept stumbling. And when I finally fell, Mel was already ahead of me and right next to the crowd of people surrounding the stage.

I laughed at myself a little standing up and getting a running start again, the music approaching a high.

I looked up from my stuttering feet just in time to see a blur and then to knock right into it. My momentum pushed them back onto the ground, my hand going to my mouth. I did feel a little bad, but I was mostly trying to cover my laugh when I saw I'd knocked a guy visibly stronger than me on his butt.

"Oh gosh," I chuckled under my breath, watching as he took a few seconds to blink as he sat in the grass.

Two girls rushed over towards us, mostly interested in him. I let my hand fall, almost going to help get him up when they did it for me. He didn't meet my eye, causing me to think he was probably ticked at me. If he was, I would just walk away. To each his own, but I was missing a concert and probably worrying Mel. People had arrived and crowded my line of vision even though we still stood a ways off from the groups of people jumping and dancing.

"Are you okay?" one of them asked, and I glanced towards the stage, searching for Mel before looking back to situation at hand.

They began to brush him off, and he did the same to their hands, being polite but obviously being able to get by on his own.

"Hey, you wanna grab a drink with us?" the other asked, making me chuckle again. I looked for his reaction, seeing his eyes finally meet mine.

"Sorry, I just finally bumped into my girlfriend," he spoke, smiling a little at the joke he'd made. Catching me guard somewhat, he intertwined his fingers with mine.

I looked over at him as he came to stand next to me, smiling myself. If he wanted to play games, then I would play along.

I twisted my body at the correct angle to help my lips meet his, thinking that moment was definitely a first. I would laugh about that as soon as the girls left, but he seemed to be taking it very serious. He pushed back on my lips like he'd wanted the same thing to happen.

I pulled away, squeezing his hand a little as the girls eyes dulled and they walked off. I then let my hand fall limp in his, not helping my laugh. When he joined in, I continued, finding his to be strangely contagious.

"Nice moves, Romeo," I chuckled, feeling his hand finally slip out of mine. I turned to look at him, smirking at the memory I'd just created to look back on.

"Actually, I'm Niall," he spoke, and I raised an eyebrow.

"It was a joke," I told him, blinking for a few seconds at the smile he was giving me regardless.

"Katie," I responded, seeing him nod with bright eyes.

"They might come around again," he sighed, taking a conspicuous step towards me again. "Do you mind holding my hand a little longer?" I let my eyebrows fall, my smirk remaining in full, knowing what he was trying to do.

I shrugged, having noticed he was really cute. I held out my hand, letting him hold it once more.

"Now let me go watch this show finally," I spoke playfully, pulling him along to find Mel. I was pulling pretty hard, furrowing my eyebrows as I turned back but not surprised to be met with a kiss that barely missed my lips.

"Is this how it's going to be?" I wondered, stopping abruptly as to make us bump into each other for the second time. He nodded, his eyes shining in the dimming light.

"I'm playing along," he shrugged, giving me the cheekiest grin afterwards. I rolled my eyes, hiding the smile on my lips as I continued walking, coming to find out that running into him wasn't such a bad thing after all.



thanks to xo_NiallJH_xo for requesting! sorry for the wait, babe!

i love you all so much! thank you for the support of everything I've been doing :)

I'm hustling hard this coming week, okay? LETS DO IT

Melody x

p.s. can this happen to me plz

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