Sound (Request)

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I could hear it pounding in my chest, knowing he was right above me but knowing that he didn't know that. 

I nodded to the man who would shoot me up there, tensing up and feeling that weightless feeling for a few seconds, and then I was on stage. We'd made it so I had a microphone, but it would be the only one that worked when I got up there. It took most of my courage, but I began singing to the song that was supposed to be sung by them and dancing around like an idiot. 

I looked up, seeing everyone staring at me, and I stopped moving. 

"Whoops," I chuckled nervously, and the whole crowd laughed. I let my eyes finally meet Niall's, hoping I would find joy in them. I hadn't seen him but a few times since he'd gone on tour. 

"You're so freaking cute," he grinned loudly as their mics came back on, rushing up to me and hugging me gently but forcefully nonetheless. I thought he would let go for a second, but he didn't, holding onto me for a good two or three minutes, ignoring the guys' insistence to let me go because I was 'probably suffocating in there.' 

When he finally let go, his smile was bigger than ever. I sighed out happily, glancing out at the crowd and realizing that my brain was hearing wrong. I thought they'd been silent for that whole time, but they'd been cheering louder than they had all night. 

I knew why I felt so loved right then, but it was still surprising. I looked back to Niall, wanting to see his smile too, but he interrupted me by speaking into the microphone for everyone to hear. 

"I love you." My heart took off again, but I couldn't hear it at all, the sensation feeling so strange. When I looked so distraught, Niall frowned, but I pulled him back onto the platform I'd come up in, pushing the button that signaled it to come back down. 

We stumbled a little, but then we were alone, and I could hear it again. 

"I love you, too," I sighed out, letting the smile on my face grow as large as it wanted under the sunbeams emitted from his own grin. 

"Why did you bring us down here?" he wondered, stepping closer to me. I chuckled a little, sighing with relief. 

"I couldn't hear the sound of my own heart beating up there, never mind yours," I told him, and he blinked at me. 

"Can you hear it now?" he asked me, and I slowly put my ear to his chest, hearing his heart racing even faster than mine. I began to pull away, but he kept me there, my heart beating louder at that. 

When they finally had us go back up there, it was one of the most fun nights of my life.

And even though I couldn't always hear the sound of his beating heart, I knew I would it always want it to be right next to mine. 



thanks to that_one_girl470 for requesting! I don't know where you went, Abbey, but I can't find you :(

double update! yay! i hope you guys are liking these imagines :)


Mel xx

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