Requests (IMPORTANT)

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Hello all,

I'm not trying to make anyone feel bad, but please, please, don't request again if you already have. That goes for this book and the first.

I have absolutely no room to complain, but since I posted my policy, I've gotten 23 requests. I doubled the amount. And I love, love writing for you guys, I do.

I just want everyone to keep in mind how long you'll be waiting. I have 46 requests now, and I don't post everyday like I should, so that is a long wait.

I will let each one of you who's requested know when they come out, so please be patient. I'm in the final quarter of my freshman year, so I am very stressed.

Please don't stop requesting! All I want you to understand is that you will be waiting a while.

I hope that's okay. I haven't had much time to write lately.

I'm sorry. I try my best, I really do. Please try to understand.

Mel xx

p.s. might get a request out tomorrow? ugh no I'm gonna cry now

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