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Somehow, he'd gotten me to go to that stupid playground with him even though it was almost too dark to see. We'd always played there when we were kids, glancing at each other occasionally until he stood close enough to learn my name. I couldn't decide whether I'd missed those days. I think I preferred actual friendship more than swinging together at recess.

He was busy on the monkey bars, his feet barely off the ground, while I smiled at the nostalgia filling my lungs. When his arms got so tired that he had to stop, I laughed, remembering for myself and then reminding him how he used to be able to go back and forth endlessly on those bars.

"(Y/N), d'you remember how we always wanted to climb all the way to the top?" he spoke, grinning at me as I swung my legs back and forth in front of him.

"Do you seriously want to--" I started, already knowing what he was going to say.

"C'mon!" he exclaimed despite my air of disinterest. Of course we could reach the top then. We were twice the size we were. The playground had a tall slide that extended farther into the air than most playgrounds.

Niall was already halfway there, yelling at me to hurry up. I watched him scurry all the way to the top, my heart pulsing when he balanced himself enough to stand.

"Dare me to jump?" he yelled down brightly, and I had already unconsciously started ascending, too.

"Don't, Niall!" I shouted, staring up at him.

"Then get up here already!" he laughed, sitting down and calming my nerves a little. I pulled myself up, almost to the top when I felt my foot slip. I should have known better than to climb up, but when I fell backwards, knocking my head, and all the air from my lungs, on the metal structure, I wasn't thinking about the decision I'd made.

I sat up immediately, trying to breathe but finding it strangely difficult. Maybe I'd hit my head too hard, but right then, while Niall was yelling my name, I decided that instead of trying to breathe I should insult myself.

"I'm so stupid!" I exclaimed, seeing Niall land next to me. I got up, somehow, my head spinning, landing on the wood chips below.

"I had to go and hit my head, and--" Niall followed me, interrupting me for a second time that day.

"Are you okay?" he asked urgently. I crushed my teeth together, annoyed that I couldn't breathe.

"No! Why can't I do this one simple thing? I had to go and hit my head and now I can't breathe and--" I realized then that I really, really couldn't breathe, and fell backwards once more.

"Hey!" he exclaimed, rushing to my side. "Are you okay?" I wheezed unsuccessfully.

"Go find someone, moron," I told him, trying to wave him off as I started feeling lightheaded. He just looked confused, his eyes not leaving mine. "Go get help cuz I'm gonna pass out," I spoke weakly, and he just knelt there, staring at me.

The last thing I saw was his face, or maybe it was the first thing? All I remember was waking up right after that, lying on my back. I could breathe, but my head was pounding. I heard his breathing match mine right beside me, and I turned my head, glaring at him before our eyes even met.

Niall instantly perked up when he saw me move, looking intently at me. Before he could ask a stupid question, I asked a more important one.

"Why didn't you go get help?" I wondered, also curious as to how long I'd been out, if at all.

"I couldn't just leave you here," he shrugged like it's what I would have done, too. I didn't lessen my glare, using that trick all the time. Sure enough, after a few seconds of relentless eye contact, my favorite color on him flooded into his cheeks, and he had to duck his head.

"You spent all that time staring, pervert?" I teased, a little angry, too. I sat up to try to hit him, but as soon as I moved, all my strength left, leaving only my pounding head.

He caught a hand behind my back before I could land hard on the ground again, standing up and lifting me into his arms.

"Now let's go get you help," he spoke distantly, but I was more focused on the way my ears were somehow hearing the crashing waves of the ocean. I tried to remember why that sound made me think of Niall or why it hurt my chest and made me blush, but my head was pounding too loudly.

I focused on thinking about the blushing, looking over at Niall's face and seeing his cheeks still rosy. Just as I remembered, I drifted along the waves back into unconsciousness.



thanks to myself for writing this in under an hour and thinking of the idea simply from hitting my back a little too hard against a wall

gosh i'm a dork xD

I'm gonna be at camp all next week, so i wont be posting, but after that, if i'm not dead, i'll be trying to get imagines up everyday! let's see how that goes :)


okay i'm gonna go to bed and post this tomorrow (today lol)


Mel xx

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