Sister (Request)

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just so you know; when I say Luke in this imagine, I do mean Luke Hemmings, from 5 Seconds of Summer. happy reading x


Niall and I had met at my brother's concert. I was standing backstage, watching Luke get ready to perform when he appeared next to me.

"Hello," he suddenly said. I blinked, stepping to the side a little to look at him. I'd known that I would someday meet One Direction, but I wasn't prepared in that moment.

"H-hi," I barely breathed out. It wasn't that I was about to fangirl or anything, although I easily could have, but it was just so strange to be meeting someone so well known.

"You're Luke's sister, right?" he asked, raising his eyebrows. I nodded quickly, smiling.

"And you're Niall," I played, blinking.

"Correct," he chuckled. I breathed in shakily, quickly getting over my anxiety and awe and remembering that he was just Niall.

That night as we stood and watched my brother and his band perform in front of a pretty large crowd, Niall and I became acquainted quite nicely. And that night, Luke developed a hate for Niall.

They'd always been good friends, but ever since that night, ever since we naturally hit it off, Luke was stiff towards Niall.

Whenever he was around him, he wouldn't look at him, wouldn't talk to him, wouldn't even acknowledge he was in the room. Anytime Niall tried to talk to him, he was ignore him or walk away. Niall came to me to try to figure it out, but all I could tell him was when it started.

Slowly, Niall and I became closer and closer, partly because of how much Luke hated him.

And when I came home from our fifth date, having just gotten asked if I would be his girlfriend, Luke lost it.

I walked in the door to my parents house, staying there since it was nearly Thanksgiving. My smile was glued on my face, possibly forever. I slipped off my shoes and sighed loudly, shaking my head at the floor. I was trying to remember when I'd last been that happy.

"Hey," Luke spoke up, peeking out of the kitchen. "We're making dinner. Wanna come help?" he asked, and I blinked up at him, on cloud nine.

"Sure, just let me change," I sighed, walking near him to reach the stairs. I changed slowly in my room, my stomach twisting its knots further in on themselves every time I thought about Niall.

I smiled larger with every step down the stairs I took, thinking about when I would see him again.

"What can I help with?" I asked as I stepped into the kitchen. Luke glanced at me, my mom on the other side of the kitchen from him.

"Come chop the onion," Luke suggested, and I walked over, beginning to pick up the knife when he spoke up again.

"Why are you so smiley?" he spoke harshly. I turned to him, not letting his negative energy get to me to much. It did dull my smile just a tad, though.

"Niall asked me to be his girlfriend," I let out, knowing my mom's reaction would be completely different from my brother's.

"Congratulations, honey!" my mom squealed, patting my shoulder quickly as she reached for something above me briefly.

"Really?" Luke let out, and I braced myself for the worst.

"It's my choice," I reminded him, knowing he couldn't stop me.

"A stupid one," he mumbled under his breath. I furrowed my eyebrows down at the onions, beginning to wonder why he was so bitter about it all.

"Why?" I wondered, completely curious.

"You do know that he could leave you at any time, right?" he nearly yelled, and I flinched.

"What do you mean?" I set down the knife, turning to see him do the same.

"He's world famous," he spoke, meeting my eyes. "He could have anyone or anything he wanted in about two seconds. What makes you think you qualify for that? Something good enough for him?" I felt my heart pound with every syllable that came from his lips.

"How do you know he won't leave you right now?" I felt my breathing accelerate, realizing that he was unlocking doors with questions behind them I'd never thought about, that I'd never needed to think about.

I wasn't sure right then if the onion was making me cry or if it was that I found some truth in his words.

"Luke!" my mother exclaimed, and I sobbed. I walked quickly out of the kitchen and sat down on the stairs, thinking about going up them but a little too unstable for that.

"Apologize!" I heard my mom yell, and I let my mind race. What if he was right? What if Niall didn't like me at all? Why would he do that? But why wouldn't he? He certainly could.

I sat there for a while, staring at the inside of my eyelids and crying. I shook my head, thinking that I was being a little stupid. I was about to get up once more, but Luke was approaching me. I shrunk back a little, seeing him ascending the stairs to meet me. Thinking he would walk past me, I made room, but he only sat down next to me.

"Listen," he spoke, and I wondered what more he would want to say. "I'm sorry." I looked up at him, seeing that he did mean it to some extent.

"I've met so many 'celebrities' lately that I pushed my image of them and their fame onto Niall," he sighed, and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"What are you trying to say?" I asked quietly. He mashed his lips into a line, his eyebrows creasing on his forehead.

"I know how some people are, and some of them do all of the things I just yelled at you," he told me, and I kept listening.

"So when I saw you and Niall getting so close, since you're my little sister," he said, nudging me a little. A little smile almost came out of me, and I found it funny that I'd been grinning only five minutes earlier. "I got scared that he would hurt you like a lot of people can." I sighed, seeing his point.

"But I know Niall. That's not something he would do," he nodded, sighing with me. "I'm sorry." I took a deep breath and smiled at him.

"You should apologize to him, too," I suggested, and he chuckled.

"I know," he nodded, and I nudged his shoulder.

"Thank you for looking out for me." He gave me a big smile, and I chuckled.

Luke may have been a big idiot sometimes, but after all was said and done, I was still his sister.



thanks to otraussies for requesting! I hope you liked it and sorry for the wait!

i love you all a lot! look a double update! one or two more to come today! ah!

thank you all for the support! i love you all :)

Mel xx

p.s. i'm actually having a really easy time writing so far :D :D :D

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