Listen (Request)

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I sighed loudly as she ran away once more, sprinting back to the girl's locker room with obvious sobs.

"I just want to explain to her-" Niall started, cutting off and putting his head in his hands. He had broken up with Melody earlier that day, and she was heartbroken.

While trying to talk to her about why he had, she had ran away. Twice. I thought the attempts were futile, and I would be right.

He slid down the wall of the gym, landing on the floor. Liam was next to him, patting his back briefly before I could say anything.

"I'm sorry. I think she just needs some time," I said softly, sitting down in front of him. He put his face in his hands, groaning.

"I just want to explain to her that it's me," he spoke through his fingers. I nodded, smiling lightly.

"It's not you, it's me, yeah?" I half-joked, trying to cheer him up abit. He sighed.

"It really should be it's me and you," he told me, and I furrowed my eyebrows, asking for an explanation.

I had liked Niall for quite some time, but he had a girlfriend, Melody. She was the perfect girl, and I couldn't compete with her. When he broke up with her, I was excited, but that was until I learned there was more to the breakup.

"Melody is complicated. You have to have just the right light on her to see her in the way she sees herself. She has many internal problems that she's kept inside for too long," he started. "And every one she pushes on me was another hour I didn't sleep as I worried about her." I nodded, understanding.

He stared into space for a few seconds, then laughed half-heartedly.

"You don't want to listen to me ramble," he told Liam and I, but I quickly shook my head, guessing Liam thought the opposite.

"I'm here to listen," I countered, making sure he didn't stand up to go. Liam was called off by a friend, standing to go with a word to Niall. I scowled, thinking how he was such a great friend.

"I went to the doctors because I was getting no sleep at all," Niall began again. I frowned. "He said with the amount of stress I had, I would die at a young age. I want to live my life!" he almost yelled, clenching his fists. I put my hand on top of his, trying to calm him just a little. He stared at me for a few seconds, sighing. I knew he needed to get everything out.

"I want to focus on school and my life instead of worrying about others constantly. If I do have another girlfriend, I want it to be someone who will let me talk, too. Who won't just force their problems on me, but let me let myself out as well," he sighed, closing his eyes and running a hand through his hair.

"It's okay not to be with someone all the time," I spoke, watching his eyes meet mine like he almost forgot I was there. "If you meet someone who can give you what you want without sending you to an early grave, then go for it." I watched him nod, and then he went off again.

His voice was ragged at the end of gym class. He had talked without end about the stress he had had in his life, and everything everyone had said and done to him and how Melody's problems just added that extra weight to topple him.

As I stood to go and change my clothes that I hadn't needed, he caught my hand.

"I-" he started, clearing his voice and dropping my hand.

"I really, really appreciate that you took the time to listen to me," he smiled lightly. I felt my heart pound, wondering if it had registered that I liked him.

"It's important to let people talk. I love listening to people," I shrugged, turning to go once more.

"Maybe you could listen to me some more, sometime," he got out, scratching the back of his neck. I felt my cheeks turn slightly red, catching what he was getting at but not really believing it.

I turned to him once more, inhaling slowly as I thought.

"Maybe you should wait a couple days after getting out of a relationship before asking a girl out," I smirked, walking away without letting him even blink.



thanks to Emily_Horan626 for requesting! Sorry for the wait but I hope you liked it!

this one was mine, and it was also mostly a true story. sigh this gave me so much anxiety, thinking this guy was gonna ask me out GAH

I love you all so so much!

Mel xxxx

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