Wonder (Request)

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I was just finishing loading the dishes into the dishwasher when I heard a noise out in the hallway. I furrowed my eyebrows, drying my hands.

I pulled open the door to the hallway with doors leading to others' apartments in my apartment complex, looking left first for the noise and then right.

I saw her there, sat on the floor, giggling to herself in front of the door. She must have fallen, explaining the noise I heard and one high heel not on her foot.

She stared up at the door handle for a few seconds, continuing to giggle. She hadn't seen me yet, leaving me to wonder what she was doing. I then realized that my heart was pounding, blinking rapidly as I stepped backwards a little.

I guess I'd been getting a little nervous since she was wearing a rather tight dress with a short skirt. Her makeup accentuated all of her features, leaving me to believe she'd just been on a date. That thought finally calmed my heart, reaffirming that she most likely didn't and wouldn't ever like me the way I liked her.

I called her name, immediately catching her attention. When her face lit up, I noticed that she looked quite drunk. Still extremely beautiful, but nonetheless drunk.

I walked closer, closing the door behind me, and sat down in front of her.

"Hello there, Mr. Niall," she spoke, making me laugh a little as well. That set her off again, and I bit back a large smile.

"What are you doing?" I asked her, seeing her lick her rose red lips to speak.

"P-p. . ." She trailed off quickly, looking confused for a moment.

"Probably something important," she nodded at me, and I laughed involuntarily once more. She was so freaking cute.

I saw her keys on the ground, needing to do something other than stare into the only eyes that could make me that nervous. I grabbed them, unlocking her door as I finally ceased my laughter.

"Hey," she spoke, and I glanced at her, seeing her staring straight up at me. "Don't laugh at me. I'm smart!" she exclaimed, and I smiled a little.

I raised a finger to my lips, telling her to be quiet as I stuck out my other hand to help her up. She crossed her arms across her chest, still looking right up at me. I pushed open the door, soon realizing she would continue to be stubborn.

"I'm sorry, you're very smart," I apologized, letting my eyes smile as widely as they desired. She finally took my hand, pulling herself up with little help from me.

I grabbed her purse and missing heel from the ground as she walked inside.

"I got the smarticle particles," she yelled, and I closed the door.

"Okay," I nodded, putting her purse on the counter and finding that she'd left the other heel by the door.

"It's the truth," she commented, stopping by the couch. "I know so many things." I raised my eyebrows, turning on a few more lights.

"Like what?" I wondered, seeing her turn in a circle for a second and then head towards what I guessed was her room.

I followed her a little timidly, wary of invading private space. I turned that light on for her as well, seeing probably twenty different dresses laid out around the room. My stomach dropped once more thinking about the date she'd just been on.

"At Melody's party tonight," she started, pausing to pick up a dress and hold it up to herself in the mirror. I breathed a sigh of relief at the fact that she probably hadn't been on a date.

"She told me you like me," she giggled once more, stepping to her closet to put the dress back. I felt my time slow down at little, my brain confused. She glanced at me as my eyes locked onto her, sitting down on her bed for a few moments.

How could she possibly know that? And why would Melody tell her? I panicked, wondering what I should have done right then.

"How does Mel know? Because I don't think that's true," I spoke calmly, pretending like I wasn't hyperventilating. She shrugged.

"Liam told her, I think? They're dating now, ew," she told me, giggling a little at the end, and I understood. I would deal with Liam later, but right then, as the girl in front of me began to yawn, I decided to focus on the situation at hand.

She stood once more to put the dresses away, and I stepped forward.

"Why don't you lay down?" I suggested, seeing her blink tiredly and rub one of her eyes. I smiled warmly, hoping that she would forget telling me or at least the fact that she'd caught me completely off guard.

"I need to put these away," she told me firmly, shaking her head. I walked towards her, taking the hanger from her hands.

"I'll do it if you lay down," I told her, and she looked at me for a long few seconds, making my heart pound before she yawned and stepped away.

I grabbed another dress to put away, seeing her begin to slide her dress off to get changed. I quickly turned around, focusing on putting the dress away as slowly as possible. When I heard her flop down onto her bed, I prayed that she was clothed and turned around once more.

Thankful that she was, a pressed a cool hand to my burning cheeks and continued cleaning her room a little.

I thought about how she would look in each dress, sadly imagining what it would be like to take her on a date.

When I finished, I yawned, seeing her eyes drooping when I turned to find them stuck on me.

"I'd better be going," I smiled, but she shook her head.

"Come here for a second." I shrugged a little, stopping at the foot of her bed. She waved me closer until she finally pulled me down to kneel right next to her.

"Do you like me, Niall?" she wondered finally, and I began to panic again. What was I supposed to say? Would she even remember having that conversation?

"I-I'll tell you in the morning," I stuttered, getting something out at the least.

"Tell me now," she demanded weakly.

"I'm too tired," I lied, desperate to get out of there. I was at a loss for a solution. "And so are you."

She stared at me for a minute, looking sad as she spoke once more.

"You're right," she sighed. "Promise you'll tell me?" she asked, and I wanted her to forget that moment more than before.

"I promise," I nodded, wishing for a miracle. What would happen if she found out?

"Thank you, Niall." She closed her eyes, leaving me to kneel beside her bed, so close to her.

I pressed a tentative kiss to her forehead, backing away as quickly as I had.

I walked out of her apartment, turning off the lights behind me as I began to wonder about a lot of things.

I wondered if the first thing she thought of when she woke up would be me.



thanks to julialevenbergerx for requesting! I'm sorry for the wait, babe! ps i dont know if you changed your username, but I can't find you :( 

I'm sorry for the terrible terrible update schedule oh my gosh. You know, I plan to finish this book by December 15th again? How the heck is that going to happen if I don't work my butt off? Ughhhhhh

So I'll be trying to post every single day for a while or else I don't get to play a new game I'm getting so that's pretty high motivation right there.

I'm sorry :( I hate myself for this

Melody xxxxxxxx

p.s. I'm so excited for this game tho omggggg legit comes out tomorrow AH

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