Distraction (Request)

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I wrote faster and harder, trying to keep up to my teacher's pace as they spoke. They weren't usually that fast, but I was doing fine. 

I felt those same, never-wavering eyes on me and couldn't help myself from turning to see. There he was, his blue eyes locked onto me like he depended on it. I rolled my eyes and looked back, not wanting to get even more distracted. 

Niall Horan had been fawning over me since that year had begun, and I really didn't know why. He tried to get close to me, but I always pushed him away, knowing both of us needed to focus on our school work. 

When class and the school day were finally over, I went over what I needed to do when I got home. 

Your homework will take a few hours, probably until dinner. After that, you should probably work on your project until you're tired, I decided to myself. I opened my locker as I went through what I needed to take home, forcefully awoken from my in-depth thoughts when he appeared at my side. 

"Hey," he smiled as I just met his eyes. "Donuts are only a buck down at the shop. Wanna grab some?" 

"No, thank you," I spoke lightly but with a little sharpness, closing my locker as I put one of my textbooks away. I closed my locker and started down the hallway, eager to get home. 

"Why do you hate me so much?" he asked from behind, and I let myself exhale, turning back halfway to glance at him. 

"I don't hate you, I'm just not looking for a relationship," I shrugged, picking up the pace so I didn't miss the bus. 

"Who ever said I was trying to get you to date me?" he spoke towards me, and I halted for a few seconds, thinking what else he could want. 

"I just wanted to grab a donut," he shrugged as if he could read my mind. I turned to stare at him for a few seconds, his usual grin now a dim smile. 

"I'm sorry," I replied, still set on getting home. I let my thoughts run where they pleased as I headed towards the main doors, thinking why he'd want to even become my friend. 

Maybe you should go apologize further, my brain spoke, and I agreed, turning again to go back when I saw him only a few paces behind me just inside the building. 

"Ni-" I almost started, but I didn't know what to say for once in my life. All that time I'd been avoiding him, but now that I was seeking him out, I didn't know how to say anything.

"You may not like it, but I need you." Those words from his lips should have been annoying, but they pierced my heart then. 

"Why?" I barely got out, and he sighed.

"I know you don't see me as anything but an annoyance, but I see you as a distraction," he responded, and I flinched a little. What was that supposed to mean?

"One that could distract me for my whole life," he elaborated. I wondered what I would be feeling if I'd been blushing just then, but then I realized I was. 

"A distraction from what?" I asked, trying to get my mind off of my red cheeks and how his were the same. 

When he looked back up to me and winked, he spoke once more.

"Wouldn't you like to know," he grinned, running off and leaving me to my raging thoughts again. 

For some reason, I really did want to know. How could someone as simple as me be a distraction for him? 

But as I kept on thinking and thinking and thinking and those thoughts carried on into the night, he came a distraction to me, too. 



thanks to  for requesting! so sorry for the wait, but I hope you liked it! 


ah man this one was kind of bad oh no 


Mel xxxxx

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